View Full Version : I dont think this is normal

08-28-2013, 05:03 AM
I tend to wake up in middle of the night and last night I did I was half awake and half asleep and my legs felt really light and my mouth like felt weird was I having anxiety while I sleep??!!? I also have bad dreams not like nightmares but I have dream my boyfriend will leave me or in one I had cancer is this anxiety???

08-28-2013, 06:55 PM
Is anything normal? .. Ha! No. I understand this is scary stuff. Anxiety while you sleep is awful, it's the time I almost long for because its like nothing can touch you there right?? WRONG! I've woken several times (usually they're within the same week) having had some nasty thoughts, anything from, as you say a partner leaving you (and all the inadequacies associated with that) to being very very Ill too. (Being a single mom now and my ex not really being very active as part of the kids lives worried me terribly at one point) really the only thing that worked for me (at the time it was instinct too) was to go see the dr or the accident/emergency. At 27 waking up with a completely numb arm and chest pain to the point where you sit bold upright and yelp in pain!! Goodness wouldn't it be wonderful if there was something that just worked for all of us :/

HTH ~ qwerty :)

08-28-2013, 07:46 PM
So it's possible to have anxiety while you sleep??? Does that sound like anxiety?

09-01-2013, 03:03 PM
I think for me (and I can only say from my pov) I do get anxiety when I sleep, not necessarily from dreams or anything like that just from...stress or... Well anxiety. I desperately try to control my anxiety with herbal remedies, if you saw the other thread on sertraline you'll see that I didn't have very good exp with it but I never ever take to any kind of medication well. My... Marriage broke down in not nice circu stances and I have four kids under the age of six at the time one who was still a babe in arms and I found at first I just... Kind of went around in a daze... Ironically it wasn't so. Yech the breakdown of the marriage or the circumstances surrounding it that I found worstend things

09-01-2013, 03:06 PM
(Sorry kid jumped on me) it was the responsibility and suddenly being the only accountable grown up... During the day I was fine but as soon as I was 'on my own' I wasn't ovbioualy I was very very tired and often would literally pass out reading to them, frequently on one of the bedroom floors lol. But then when I 'relaxed' BAM! Anxiety would be on me like a shot. So for me yes I can't get anxiety when I sleep xx