View Full Version : what did your anxiety start out like?

08-27-2013, 04:09 AM


08-27-2013, 04:12 AM
symptoms etc x

08-27-2013, 08:02 AM
When I was a child mine always used to be chest pain

08-27-2013, 08:05 AM
Health anxity/fears and a light sense of doom lingering around off and on. Alankay

08-27-2013, 09:19 AM
I was a very sick child and countless times in hospital, where I developed awful fear of dying. Fifty or forty years ago, children were with adults in the same room. I had witnessed a woman death, I attached myself to her cause she was very good and friendly toward me. I was 7 years old then. Immediately I developed awful fear of dying and bleeding out. My mom took me home because I was terrified. Unfortunately my anxiety, fear and phobias are still with me, just thousand time worse.

08-27-2013, 12:34 PM
That sounds really scary, Dahlia. I'm sorry you experienced that.

I have always been a worrier and I've always had Health Anxiety and couple of other specific phobias including claustrophobia. I do not know where any of that came from. I didn't experience any trauma early in childhood. I was just born like this.

I started having panic attacks in my early twenties. And they've been a problem on and off ever since. My biggest problem isn't panic attacks anymore. It's more of a chronic high level generalized anxiety. I have a lot of physical symptoms - back pain, headaches, nausea, fatigue, some chest/breathing issues etc - and apparently these are all caused by the constant anxiety and tension I feel.

08-27-2013, 12:55 PM
I was 26 working out and thought it was because i was taking preworkouts until I went into a full blown attack. After the first time they've been constant! My newest meds are helping a bit

08-27-2013, 02:10 PM
My first panic attack was awful. I thought that I was dying. I had taken allergy pills to fight a sinus infection and I had sat down in front of the computer to watch music videos.
The first feeling I remember feeling was my heart racing. Then all of a sudden everything around me went dark and I felt very dizzy. After that I had my husband call an ambulance, but then when he was on the phone with the dispatch officer my feelings subsided.
I didn't end up going to the ER.
The worst feeling was my heart racing and all of the thoughts that flooded my mind. I was convinced that I was dying.

08-27-2013, 02:18 PM
Mine started after I was having a very stressful time in my life.
I started feeling dizzy, dizziness got worse which led to panic attacks daily. Couldn't go anywhere without having one.
This was 18 months ago - I still battle dizziness, feeling off balance, major fatigue and occasional anxiety attacks. It's a daily battle but I'm learning how to manage it

08-27-2013, 02:47 PM
Mine started after I was having a very stressful time in my life.
I started feeling dizzy, dizziness got worse which led to panic attacks daily. Couldn't go anywhere without having one.
This was 18 months ago - I still battle dizziness, feeling off balance, major fatigue and occasional anxiety attacks. It's a daily battle but I'm learning how to manage it

I feel like this! I keep thinking I'm ill :(

08-28-2013, 02:21 AM
I feel like this! I keep thinking I'm ill :(

Yup me too! Convinced myself I'm dying

08-28-2013, 03:01 AM
I'm never going to get better, this will last till the day I die or kill myself!

08-28-2013, 07:50 AM
Do not say that. There is a lot to do to get better. First of all look for the help on this site. Search the topics ;)

08-28-2013, 08:31 AM
Do not say that. There is a lot to do to get better. First of all look for the help on this site. Search the topics ;)

The question was, what did your anxiety start out like? And that was my answer 13 years ago when it started. Obviously I found help. The fight continues with this disorder. I'm in God's hands, a soldier like all of us that don't quit!

08-28-2013, 09:12 AM
I'm never going to get better, this will last till the day I die or kill myself!

I would not get it from that sentence, sorry. There was nothing about 13 years.... good for you that you are fighting :)

08-28-2013, 12:18 PM
My first panic attack started while standing in my kitchen after work. My heart started racing like crazy, and I felt dizzy/nauseous (like I had to pee constantly, TMI), and I was SUPER pale... and I couldn't think of anything except I was having a heart attack and dying. My good friend was there with me, luckily, and called the ambulance. The paramedic told me it was likely a panic attack, and that my heart could beat VERY fast for hours and hours without any ill effects. (I think on what he said to help get me through rough times!) It just feels terrible when you are sitting still and it's working so hard. I had a full eval at the hospital (heart tests, blood work) and I was perfectly healthy. That was when I learned about panic attacks. I was actually newly in therapy at the time, and my therapist said it was likely a release of all I had pent up over the years. I became terrified of having more. And my health anxiety was born! Sorry for the novel. :)

08-28-2013, 02:39 PM
I had the usual "I think I'm dying" episode but after a while those went away. After a few years I started to feel anxious more often and then it just progressed. I've never really had any anxiety concerning my health. When I'm anxious I feel hopeless. Now I have longer periods when I'm absolutely normal and then all of a sudden get anxious. I do still feel like I'm getting better.

08-28-2013, 09:35 PM
I got a good night sleep today, then after few hours onset of heart pain, neck pain, and headache. When the meds finally started working it was much better. How do I different between anxiety and real heart attack if the physical signs are so similar, ? Anyone?

08-29-2013, 01:49 AM

Mu - SS7, mu 2013, mu private, mu lau hay, Game mu, Mu online, mu season 6, mu season 7, mu season 8, mu ex700, mu ex800, mu ex702, mu ex 803, Mu moi ra hom nay, mu alphatest hom nay, mu hot, mu vip, mu hay nhat, mu tuyet nhat, mu dinh nhat, mu moi, Mu thang 7, mu thang 6, mu thang 5, mu thang 4, mu thang 3, Mu thang 2, mu thang 2/2013, mu moi ra, mu open hom nay, Game Mu ,Mu Online 2012, Mu Online , Mu Hay Nhat , Mu Online 2011 , Mu Dong Nguoi Choi , Mu Mien Phi , Mu Hot Nhat , Mu Vip , Mu Choi Lau Dai , Mu Season 6 , Mu Season 7 -Máy chủ Quyền Năng - phiên bản eX702


Mu - SS7, mu 2013, mu private, mu lau hay, Game mu, Mu online, mu season 6, mu season 7, mu season 8, mu ex700, mu ex800, mu ex702, mu ex 803, Mu moi ra hom nay, mu alphatest hom nay, mu hot, mu vip, mu hay nhat, mu tuyet nhat, mu dinh nhat, mu moi, Mu thang 7, mu thang 6, mu thang 5, mu thang 4, mu thang 3, Mu thang 2, mu thang 2/2013, mu moi ra, mu open hom nay, Game Mu ,Mu Online 2012, Mu Online , Mu Hay Nhat , Mu Online 2011 , Mu Dong Nguoi Choi , Mu Mien Phi , Mu Hot Nhat , Mu Vip , Mu Choi Lau Dai , Mu Season 6 , Mu Season 7- Máy chủ Quyền Năng - phiên bản eX702 -

mu 2013, mu ex702, , Mu moi ra hom nay, mu season 7, mu private

Wtf is all this crap

08-29-2013, 08:50 AM
I think it is spam and should be reported to admin. On the right bottom is the button to report:)