View Full Version : Daydreams coming to life and slicing your arms...

11-02-2007, 07:58 PM
Does anyone else have this?

When I'm feeling anxious I start having really bad daydreams, especially when I'm trying to go to sleep. I'm awake when I have them, but they're like nightmares. It takes a while for me to shake them off and establish that they aren't real.

Also, do any of you have problems with cutting? I cut my arms and I wish I didn't. I just can't stop!!! I can't just cut once either. If I touch the razor to my arm I HAVE to cut all over. It feels amazing. Do any of you do this? In a way, I hope you do so we can talk about it, but mostly I hope you don't!!!

Everyone have a good weekend and stay calm!

11-02-2007, 08:58 PM
I understand the day dream part. I don't see anything at all when I get to thinking. I think in pictures about everything.

hail to the thief
11-04-2007, 09:04 AM
cutting yourself is a mental health problem.
it doesn't matter how amazing it feels, you have to stop it. I'd suggest getting help from a doctor/therapist. They're usually free and confidential.
They are there to help so use them.

11-13-2007, 09:56 AM
Cutting my arms keeps me from doing things that are much worse. I wish I weren't that way, but I guess I am.

Bessy Bumblebee
11-24-2007, 05:38 PM
I have problems with both these issues!

The waking dream things are almost like de-ja-vu for me! They are horrible and totally effect my day to day life! When I have them everything going on around me for real fades away and I lose all my powers of thought! I am scared to learn to drive because of it! I have godchildren who at tiimes I am scared to hold incase I have bother with these and I drop the kids!

The cutting is something I do occasionally - its something I am trying to recover from myself. I do slip up from time to time! I know how good it feels but using making your will power overcome the desire to do it can give you a really good feeling too. You know the release that you feel - try and transport that into not doing it! Try thinking to yourself - by not doing this I am free from this thing that had power over me - make that your release!

I am no expert - but it works for me sometimes - and doing it less is heading in the right way to stopping!

But anyone who does this has to stop!!!! It can take over your life!