View Full Version : heartbeat abnormal

08-18-2013, 12:30 AM
Today after work (I started my first job) I came home and started having a REALLY bad anxiety attack. My heart was racing and I felt my heartbeat (shouldn't have made me feel worse) it was skipping beats really bad. Then I couldn't stop my body from shaking. I'd never had one that bad before. My chest TILL hurts. It's sharp pains. I also have asthma and theres a lot of fires going on right now and the smoke isn't helping. But I have no idea what started to make my heart race. Help? I thought I was going to have a heart attack

08-18-2013, 04:40 AM
Today after work (I started my first job) I came home and started having a REALLY bad anxiety attack. My heart was racing and I felt my heartbeat (shouldn't have made me feel worse) it was skipping beats really bad. Then I couldn't stop my body from shaking. I'd never had one that bad before. My chest TILL hurts. It's sharp pains. I also have asthma and theres a lot of fires going on right now and the smoke isn't helping. But I have no idea what started to make my heart race. Help? I thought I was going to have a heart attack

I had the exact same thing happen. And it still does. After 2 trips to hospital and several doctors visits it indeed turns out to be anxiety. It's very scary but please see your GP for some medication to help :-)

08-18-2013, 04:59 AM
I've had countless Ekgs and test done all came back normal. The pain is still there and I can't sleep now.

08-18-2013, 05:04 AM
I've had countless Ekgs and test done all came back normal. The pain is still there and I can't sleep now.

Yes I have this daily too. Fortunately I have some tablets that help me.
However when I run out of those I have to rely on slow deep breathing. Breathe deeply in for 3-5 seconds. Hold ur breath for a few seconds as this helps with a chemical change in ur brain then release ur breath slowly. Do this for five minutes. I know how scary this is for you as even though I know it's not my heart it still feels frightening. Talking about it helps too.

08-18-2013, 05:13 AM
It does help to talk about it. I feel like I have sharp little needles going through my left side of my chest. I'm having a asthma attack and I'm to scared to use my inhaler as it makes your heart race. Would asprin help? I have that.

08-18-2013, 05:26 AM
It does help to talk about it. I feel like I have sharp little needles going through my left side of my chest. I'm having a asthma attack and I'm to scared to use my inhaler as it makes your heart race. Would asprin help? I have that.

Aspirin thins your blood. It won't stop your heart racing. It can be used for heart health. If you are having an asthma attack I would recommend using your inhaler. Remember. You have had ekgs and they have been clear. Remember you are healthy and that it will pass. Concentrate on helping your asthma at present.
Have you spoken to your dr regarding this yet?

08-18-2013, 05:45 AM
No not recently. She knows I have awful anxiety and gave me Zoloft and Xnax. But I have anxiety above taking them and never started them. She listens to my heart and takes my BP everytime I go in there and its always perfectly normal.

08-18-2013, 05:52 AM
No not recently. She knows I have awful anxiety and gave me Zoloft and Xnax. But I have anxiety above taking them and never started them. She listens to my heart and takes my BP everytime I go in there and its always perfectly normal.

Not sure if my last message was sent?

08-18-2013, 06:01 AM
No not recently. She knows I have awful anxiety and gave me Zoloft and Xnax. But I have anxiety above taking them and never started them. She listens to my heart and takes my BP everytime I go in there and its always perfectly normal.

Are u in Australia

08-18-2013, 10:33 AM
Hey waysscared!, you aren't alone. I have a panic attack about once a day usally right before I go to work. But I don't know why? All my co-workers are friends I've known for the last 6 years. It just happens. If you haven't tried the Xanax yet only take then when you need them. After about thirty minutes you will feel really calm and peaceful. It makes you relax and I sometimes feel like taking a nap. Don't be scared because its all normal that happens to 1 of 3 people in our lives. Just roll with it and keep posting on here. Talking about it helps your body adjust and rationalize with the issues you are having. Stay strong because you aren't alone.

08-18-2013, 09:40 PM
Thank you! Now I feel lots of thumps in my chest is that normal