View Full Version : Faster heart rate

08-15-2013, 11:47 PM
Hi all. I don't know why, but my heart rate is elevated tonight. It's still not crazy, but it's pretty steadily between 80-105 when normally it's 60-80. I take beta blockers for my sinus tach, so I really don't have many problems in this department. I had some chocolate a few hours ago and have been pretty active tonight, but nothing crazy. It's making it very hard to sleep!

08-16-2013, 11:22 PM
Still no better! Today it's been between 85-105. Then tonight I had a birthday party for a friend. For the first time in several months, I ever let myself have a few drinks (about 1 per hour). Now I'm laying in bed and heart rate is 95-110.

I called my cardiologist. He said that while its weird for me, he doesn't find it concerning. Still makes me nervous though, we're at 24 hours now!

Any suggestions? I've tried breathing techniques and distracting myself.

08-17-2013, 08:51 AM
Steph. Have you looked into IST? Innaprpriate sinus tachycardia. I have it. I hit it after my son was born 6 years ago. Had no clue what was going on. Everyone said anxiety. Then I went to a cardiologist. He diagnosed IST after 24 hr holter and stress test.

It's really nothing to worry about. Yes, it's super annoying. I especially hate it when I'm sitting down and my hr is above 94. Bugs the crap out of me. Makes me want to jump up and start moving so its at least beating fast for a reason. :)

Beta blockers wont always help it either. Pm me if you have any questions.

08-17-2013, 10:15 AM
Still no better! Today it's been between 85-105. Then tonight I had a birthday party for a friend. For the first time in several months, I ever let myself have a few drinks (about 1 per hour). Now I'm laying in bed and heart rate is 95-110.

I called my cardiologist. He said that while its weird for me, he doesn't find it concerning. Still makes me nervous though, we're at 24 hours now!

Any suggestions? I've tried breathing techniques and distracting myself.

Mines done this before FOR NO REASON and I am on beta blockers as well. Normal for me is 70-80 then it goes to 90-110 for no reason very alarming to me. I called my cardiologist and they said YOU ARE FINE. And they don't seem concerned at all. Very frustrating!

08-17-2013, 11:06 AM
Steph. Have you looked into IST? Innaprpriate sinus tachycardia. I have it. I hit it after my son was born 6 years ago. Had no clue what was going on. Everyone said anxiety. Then I went to a cardiologist. He diagnosed IST after 24 hr holter and stress test.

It's really nothing to worry about. Yes, it's super annoying. I especially hate it when I'm sitting down and my hr is above 94. Bugs the crap out of me. Makes me want to jump up and start moving so its at least beating fast for a reason. :)

Beta blockers wont always help it either. Pm me if you have any questions.

I actually do have IST. But it hasn't flared up in over 6 months. It's making me all shaky. I don't get it. But I totally know the feeling of it bugging the crap out of you! Lol