View Full Version : Sick of this

08-15-2013, 10:25 AM
I'm tired of going to the gp for the same thing month after month.

I've had post nasal drip for the last 5-6 months. Gp says don't worry about it. Could be due to pregnancy hormones.

Well, now I'm getting blood when I gag. In the beginning it was a little bit, but now its more and more.

I don't want to go back to gp. Just to be told its nothing. She refuses to do any tests on me. I've been to the ent when it first began and he was useless.

Now what do I do? Wait to die? Ugh. I'm just so frustrated and lost. I'm afraid it's something terrible. I've ALWAYS thought it was something terrible....but now that there's blood I'm CERTAIN it's something terrible.

I hate this!!!!!

08-15-2013, 01:08 PM
Get a second opinion. 2 eyes are better than one. Alankay

08-15-2013, 02:21 PM
I've had chronic phlegm/post nasal drip for years. Even after quitting smoking 14 months ago I still get this constantly. So I visited the Dr and he said after quitting smoking the chemicals from it all make excess stomach achid. In order to neutralize this excess saliva and phlegm is made as it's alkaline and mixes with the stomach acid.

He's given me Omeprazole to trial and see if it helps. Failing that it could be allergies. The best thing to do with this phlegm is swallow it. It's not going to harm you and you'll simply pass it. Trying to cough it up or gag will strain your esophagus and this is probably what's causing the blood. However as alankay said get a second opinion from another Dr before proceeding with this.


08-15-2013, 04:48 PM
Well, I went back to the ent. He was much more receptive and helpful this time. He didn't completely dismiss me.

I explained the symptoms and expressed my concern that I could be cancer.

He did a scope down my nose and throat. Told me there is so much inflammation. My blood vessels are very superficial and are causing blood. Told me my throat and voicebox are very inflamed as well. He suggested acid reflux for the throat and voicebox. Told me to take tums.

He said "I can't be certain of many things, but I am certain of this...it's not cancer. ".

He told me to come back after the baby is born if things don't clear up.

08-15-2013, 05:05 PM
Try peppermint tea. It should help calm the acid reflux down.
