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08-15-2013, 07:11 AM
Hello, my name is Don. I have had anxiety and a social phobia from about age 10. I had reached the point where it really scared me to even leave my house. I scared to drive, go to work. Scared of people, and was a real mess..
I know live in Thailand and have very little problems with anxiety today. I would not say I am anxiety free, because I think no one is ever anxiety free. I can say it is at a manageable level and I am very happy and can do almost anything I want. I have flew to Thailand 3 times in the last 2 years and there was a time in my life when I could not even walk into a store or go to the mall without freaking out. The flight to Thailand form America is about 14 hours.
I have seen a dozen doctors and just as many psychologists. I have taken about as many different medications. Today I am medication free and feeling great.
I now want to give back some of the things that I have learned along the way and maybe help someone.

08-16-2013, 07:07 AM
How did you get to be much better? Alankay

08-16-2013, 07:02 PM
How did you get to be much better? Lanky

There are a number of things that you can do. Some of these might seem simple and you have heard them before, but they do work.
- First stop all caffeine and chocolate.
- Learn to meditate. Free up your mind of worry, it's a big problem for us.
- Take magnesium the type that is a powder if you can find it.
- Some B vitimans help.
- Know that you are not defective or going crazy. Your body is releasing a chemical for no good reason and your mind doesn't understand why it's there - this is a very important point to understand. There is nothing wrong with your thinking, this is a physical thing. You can calm yourself, using your thoughts, but that is a whole different story. We react to this chemical being released by thinking there is something wrong, the old fight or slight response. I use to think I would feel less fear jumping out of a plane than giving a speech, because the jumping out of a plane the fear is justified. So, know that your body is playing tricks on you. The fact is no one knows why our bodies release their chemical, for no reason.
Hope, this helps. Don

08-16-2013, 10:56 PM
Hi, bioman987

I wanted ask if you had vomiting symptoms and how you treated it. I am like you my anxiousness is gone the only hindrance i have now is the vomiting symptom if that goes i will be fine. I can go out no problem just restricted if i feel sick. Please help if any ideas. Thank you

08-17-2013, 02:22 AM
I am assuming you have been checked by a doctor and there is nothing physically wrong. You might want to try deep breathing, if you haven't already. Take long, slow, deep breaths. You should feel it in your stomach. Try and concentrate on your breathing and not think about anything else. Hope, this helps. Take care, Don.

08-17-2013, 11:06 AM
Hello everyone hope all are feeling free and relaxed being a member here.