View Full Version : Panic all morning

08-14-2013, 09:16 AM
Ive been having anxiety since I woke up this morning. It's my day off an I have so much to do but I am so scared to drive feeling like this. My doctor called me in Ativan and I have taken it before for airplane.. But I am so afraid to take it because I am alone. I am going to talk to a new therapist in an hour I hope that helps. I just want this all to go away :(

08-14-2013, 10:15 AM
Ive been having anxiety since I woke up this morning. It's my day off an I have so much to do but I am so scared to drive feeling like this. My doctor called me in Ativan and I have taken it before for airplane.. But I am so afraid to take it because I am alone. I am going to talk to a new therapist in an hour I hope that helps. I just want this all to go away :(

Take your Ativan itll help you short-term. Maybe you can tell yourself "i just have to make the best of today." over and over again so you dont feel so overwhelmed today.

08-14-2013, 10:17 AM
I keep telling myself that... It's just so scary when your in it though.

08-14-2013, 10:18 AM
Often it's not as horrible as we thought, hope the session goes well for you.
Hey, at least its a day off. :)