View Full Version : Can someone tell me if stomach issues are related!!!

08-10-2013, 09:49 PM
So today I went to the flea market, I started getting really gassy feeling in my chest.. so I stopped and got me some gas-x chewables I love them... then the tightness went away.. gas x worked great. Then I started getting sharp pain right above my hip in my back like a stabbing pain. That would come in waves... only lasted about 15sec tops.. idk. And also I noticed my stomach has felt full, or extended or something weird.. like I have a fist in my gut. I have about 1 BM a day.. idk what this pain could be in the back of my lower back.. any advice will be appreciated.. thanks

08-10-2013, 10:56 PM
I have that hardness in my stomache too I also thought it was due to bm's ..idk I am just sticking to everything that feels off it anxiety ....it helps to remind yourself you're ok its just anxiety and it will pass