View Full Version : Can someone talk me out of this...

08-10-2013, 11:51 AM
Today I had a lot of headaches and i was tired troughout the day and I tried not to think about it, because if I would I'd overthink, and think I'd die becuase of it... So that went well

But now my dad says 'you look pale' and I'm freaking out again. I feel like I'll die, and the pale look is the first sign of it... Sometimes I get scared when I look in the mirror and I feel like I'm a little bit pale.. Please can someone talk me out of this. I feel like there's something wrong again.. I don't wanna look pale, I wanna look healthy. And goosh I hate it, why did my dad say it... I'm freaking out again, cant control it.

08-10-2013, 12:45 PM
Firstly I think you need to tell your dad to avoid saying things like that. My dad does it because he thinks it's funny and "winds me up" but what people don't realise is that throw away comments like that can be absolutely detrimental to our day and how we feel physically.

It might make you feel better to know that there aren't any illnesses where one of the symptoms is "looking pale" :)

Some days I'll wake up and look at myself in the mirror and think "God I look pale!" or I'll notice big bags under my eyes and I'll freak out, but really, I'm just tired! Dehydration can also make people look paler than usual sometimes and supposedly a good 80% of the population is chronically dehydrated without even knowing it! Unless you drink a minimum of 6/7 glasses of water a day, you'll be at least a little dehydrated. This can cause headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, a pale complexion, tingling, muscle aches etc...

You're fine, toots. Chin up and tell your dad to shut his gob haha. :) x

08-10-2013, 01:08 PM
Firstly I think you need to tell your dad to avoid saying things like that. My dad does it because he thinks it's funny and "winds me up" but what people don't realise is that throw away comments like that can be absolutely detrimental to our day and how we feel physically.

It might make you feel better to know that there aren't any illnesses where one of the symptoms is "looking pale" :)

Some days I'll wake up and look at myself in the mirror and think "God I look pale!" or I'll notice big bags under my eyes and I'll freak out, but really, I'm just tired! Dehydration can also make people look paler than usual sometimes and supposedly a good 80% of the population is chronically dehydrated without even knowing it! Unless you drink a minimum of 6/7 glasses of water a day, you'll be at least a little dehydrated. This can cause headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, a pale complexion, tingling, muscle aches etc...

You're fine, toots. Chin up and tell your dad to shut his gob haha. :) x

Thank you so much for this comment. I also wanted to react on another comment of you about us who have anxiety focussing on what we feel more, something like that. This really made me feel a little bit bettter. It still freaks me out everytime I experience something in my body I didn't experience before... And that there isnt an illness with looking pale as a symptom makes me feel a lot better as wel.. Again thank you. I really appreciate comments like this.

08-10-2013, 01:16 PM
Hello! I am new to the group, I can relate when you said "My dad does it because he thinks it's funny and "winds me up" but what people don't realize is that throw away comments like that can be absolutely detrimental to our day and how we feel physically". Unfortunately, I work with 2 men who say things to "wind me up", it is the absolute worst! I have gotten to a point where most days I can ignore them and they stop, but if I am having a bad anxiety day, it is hard for me not to react.

08-10-2013, 01:17 PM
I'm glad I've helped even if it's just a little :)

We just all need to try and bare in mind that the odds are fully in our favour when it comes to illnesses, and the fact that you are still young is also a pretty good sign that you're going to be just fine :)

Anxiety is a powerful and scary thing.

We all need to just look after ourselves a little better. Plenty of water, good food, lots of sleep and a little exercise to get the endorphins flowing is all a person really needs. And never underestimate the power of a good set of supplements! I have started taking Vitamin D, Magnesium, a multivit and Berocca (full of happy B Vitamins!) and I feel twice as well in myself as I did last week :)

Lots of love and hugs to you and if you ever need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me. I'd be more than happy to give you my contact details :)

Happy faces, sweetheart! x

08-10-2013, 01:19 PM
Sleepless, my brother is the absolute worst so I cab sympathise with you there!

When I dislocated my shoulder last year he came with me to ER and said "you look a bit blue, omg what if it's trapped an artery and you're dying hahaha." I could have killed him. Full scale panic then!

People don't realise how debilitating anxiety is.

And welcome to the forum! I hope you find the support you're looking for here :)

08-10-2013, 01:20 PM
itsloulou, I am sorry you are having a bad day. It is completely normal to have days when you appear "pale", especially if you aren't feeling well (headaches). Can you talk to your dad and tell him you don't like when he says those type of things? Does he know you have anxiety?

08-10-2013, 01:23 PM

Thanks! I think it will be nice to chat with people who can understand.

That sounds like something my brother would do!! He wouldn't do it to be mean, but I don't think he understands and thinks he is being funny.

The guys at work have no idea I suffer from anxiety, I don't want people at work knowing. I just started reading a book called "Who's Pulling Your Strings".

08-10-2013, 01:33 PM
itsloulou, I am sorry you are having a bad day. It is completely normal to have days when you appear "pale", especially if you aren't feeling well (headaches). Can you talk to your dad and tell him you don't like when he says those type of things? Does he know you have anxiety?

Yes, he knows. I mean I tried to inform him enough. I live in the Netherlands and anxiety isn't that well known here so I told him bout how I feel and I've emailed him.all diffrent sorts of english sites about anxiety. So I hope he understands now haha.

And yes, I need to talk to my dad, not only about this, also about stuff that bothers me.. Bout him. But he's a hard one to talk with, so I find it difficult. But I'm going to talk with him tomorrow. If I feel okay lol. Thankyou!