View Full Version : As I learn to fight back my anxiety/Panic attacks....

08-09-2013, 09:15 PM
As I learn to fight back my anxiety/panic attacks, I've noticed that it comes in so many forms now. My first panic attack, was terrifying. I went to the ER and learned that I was Diabetic, had high blood pressure *which I knew, but i felt like i was going to die*, and vertigo. No mention of anxiety was brought up. So I changed my diet immedeatly and went through episodes of vertigo (near fainting ), constantly checking my blood sugar. then the episodes got worse, i had horrible pain in my limbs and my chest would hurt through my back, my blood pressure would be extreamly high, and i'd rush off to the ER *13 times total. Nothing was wrong, Test after test, admitted over night, random diagnosis' given as a reason to the pain and hypertension episodes. eventually my Doctor sent me to a neurologist, who found i had a complex migrane, which instead of sensitivty to light and sound, would cause numbness and pain, resulting in a constant headache. Started Meds for it and almost overnight i was finnally out of bed and had no pain. - that lasted about 3 weeks, the pain and episodes came back. My Dr found that I have neuropathy also that i had my diabeties undercontrol and the meds were taking my sugar levels to low (reason for headaches). So new meds for the nerves, and stopped the diabetic medications. Felt so much better, ....until again...the episodes came back. waking me up out of my sleep pain, causing me to panic.
It wasn't until recently that during an episode my family realised i may be having panic attacks, so instead of rushing me to ER again, cause it wasn't helping anyways (sent home sedated with rx for valium or whatever), i was taught breathing exercises and yoga streaches. I was able to calm down and go back to sleep.

Now I know what is going on with my body, and I am more prepaired when I start to feel uneasy or my body starts acting up. This Forum also is one of my big turn too's now. Just knowing and reading everyones concerns and advice reminds me more and more that I am okay, this is only a panic attack, it will stop so just breathe. Such a HUGGGGEEE Difference from when it all started. Now everyone around me knows that I suffer from these attacks, and they are supportive, and remind me to relax and breathe when I think that im not having a panic attack this time its really bad.

I am currently feeling yucky, and I made myself write about it. Thanks for letting me go on and on....I wish It hadnt taken so long to figure out what was really going on, still, it will all get better in time.

It will be all good in the end, and if it's not good? Its not the End