View Full Version : does anyone

08-09-2013, 03:07 AM
does anyone suffer from the physical symptoms more than anything? i keep getting numb arms chest pains and shortness of breathe daily I swear if I never had any of this I'd be able to cope with my anxiety :)

08-09-2013, 03:15 AM
does anyone suffer from the physical symptoms more than anything? i keep getting numb arms chest pains and shortness of breathe daily I swear if I never had any of this I'd be able to cope with my anxiety :)

Most of us here on this forums suffer from physical symptoms. I get head pressure,palps,shortness of breathe,headaches, you name it..and yes, it's mostly all the time.. :/ welcome to my world :(

08-09-2013, 03:18 AM
Mines daily. :( are you on any meds what help x

08-09-2013, 03:19 AM
Yes, the physical symptoms are the main thing from my anxiety. Once I focus to much on how I feel, in a daily base.. I experience different symptoma everyday, I'll get the worst anxiety. Cause I thinj there is something wrong with me.. And the symptoms will let me die.. I hate it

08-09-2013, 03:19 AM
Mines daily. :( are you on any meds what help x

no I'm not on any meds. I sometimes feel that I need them when I really feel bad :/ but I been fighting this physical symptoms for 6years. God helps me.

08-09-2013, 04:12 AM
I was never on any Meds for years and I've had panic attacks for 21 years
And I've only just gone on sertraline 50mg I've been on it for coming up 10 weeks and yes it's been gr8 for me,tho I'm not going to be on it forever,I've just had a mega bad time lately so I felt that I had to have a little help with the crutch of it,there's no right and wrong with Meds or no Meds I think it's such a Personal Choice :) keep well