View Full Version : head pressure numbness

08-08-2013, 01:36 PM
I have been feeling like thais since saturday august 3. I feel head pressure and numbness un my head and my left jaw hurts and face pressure. I been told i got migranes but it does not feel like this. It doew does not go away. I feel like my mouth might go side ways or something might be wrong with me.

08-08-2013, 01:40 PM
Hey! I often get this and the jaw feeling numb and like its going to droop really scares me! But my doc told me its the anxiety :)

08-08-2013, 01:48 PM
Hey! The symptoms you are describing are identical to what I started experiencing at the end of June. I have had headaches all my life, but this was totally different and it freaked me out because I had honestly never felt anything like it. It was happening on a daily basis and nothing I did seemed to alleviate it...the more I focused on it, the worse it got, and I was absolutely convinced that something was horribly wrong with me. I was seen in the ER for it one night, where the doctor assured me, after talking to me and checking my vitals, that it was a tension headache. I've since seen my primary as well, and had three different round of blood work done, which was all normal, and been again reassured that tension headaches are the culprit...they are COMPLETELY different feeling than migraines, that is for sure...but rest assured, it's not likely there is something seriously wrong or life threatening. I've been dealing with this for over a month nearly every day and I'm still here, and fine! I totally understand how scary it is though...by far one of the most unsettling and disconcerting things I've ever felt or experienced.

08-08-2013, 01:58 PM
Yes is a really scary feeling take ibuprofen and nothing seems to help. Also is like a burning sensation. I pray that it leaves me alone. I hate this feeling! :'(

08-08-2013, 02:27 PM
I'm experiencing the same thing now. Mine has been going on since Aug 2nd. The doc also said it was migraines.....and my face feels the same way. I've been taking motrin every day, multiple times a day. My anxiety has jumped up quite a bit since this started as has my bp. I was thinking it was a hormonal headache since it started the second day of my period....but now the period is ending and the dull headache is still lingering around. It may also be due to an old glasses prescription. ...I'm waiting for my new glasses to come in Monday. I'm not sure, what's causing my headache but its causing my anxiety to go through the roof.

08-08-2013, 07:09 PM
I have this right now! Plus dizziness and vertigo. There is so much pressure behind my eyes I feel like they might pop out of my head. It's all coming from my neck and the base of my skull. I have had headaches all my life, migraines. But these are tension related.

08-11-2013, 03:11 PM
Just came from the doc today.....turns out it was a sinus headache that eventually had started draining into my chest, causing shortness of breath and overall sick feeling. They attached a heart monitor, did bloodwork, checked oxygen levels...did a manual physical assessment, everything came back fine. Just a virus I appearantly picked up from one of my kids....I just got it worse then they did......
They started me on amoxicillin. .I take my first dose in an hour. I hope this clears up and I hope you all feel better soon.