View Full Version : Freaked out by meds

08-08-2013, 11:41 AM
I've been shaky all day, think I'm freaked out by my meds.

I take: Lexapro (7.5mg), Omeprazole (40mg), Metoprolol (5mg), and occasionally iron.

I knew my Omeprazole and Metoprolol can interact, but my cardiologist said I take a low dose so it's ok. But then I read the warnings on my Omeprazole bottle and it said that additional monitoring may be needed if you take Lexapro. And it can cause irregular heart rhythms. So of course I'm freaking out since I've been shaky.

Does anyone else take all these? Or have any experiences?

08-08-2013, 11:54 AM
What are ur meds for? If ur doctor prescribed them to u then I'm sure they won't harm u cuz the doc will no all the meds ur on

08-08-2013, 11:56 AM
Omeprazole is for acid reflux, Lexapro is for anxiety, and metoprolol is for sinus tachycardia.

08-09-2013, 03:33 PM
Steph, I've actually just got prescribed the Omeprazole and Lexapro this past week and I'm scared to take them because I already have heart palpitations and don't want to risk getting anymore. I have really bad acid reflux aswell so I kinda need it.

08-09-2013, 03:39 PM
Steph, I've actually just got prescribed the Omeprazole and Lexapro this past week and I'm scared to take them because I already have heart palpitations and don't want to risk getting anymore. I have really bad acid reflux aswell so I kinda need it.

Exactly! The palps are bad enough, now my anxiety gets the best of me and makes me worry every time. I will say I currently take mine, I just spread it out. I take the Omeprazole in the morning, Lexapro at lunch, and Metoprolol before bed.