View Full Version : Diclofenic.

08-07-2013, 12:59 AM
Hi,I have been diclofenic tablets for my migraines.Has anyone else taken these tablets?I have just been reading that the risk of heart attacks is up by 40 percent if you take these??this has sent me into panic mode!!!!!:-(

08-07-2013, 01:03 AM
I don't really know about the medicine. But you get migraines from anxiety too? Is it like everyday? I haven't had an attack in a couple days but my migraines or "headaches" are getting worse. I went to the er and said everything came back perfect. So I guess I don't have a brain tumor or nursing like that but it's really worried me why I started getting these for no reason.

08-07-2013, 01:12 AM
Hi,I suffer from headaches and migraine a lot.Went to docs last night as it was getting too much,I take propranodol everyday to prevent migraine but,I have taken them so long that the doc thinks my body is immune to them now!!!He is sending me to a headache clinic so they can change the tablet!!!I asked the doc if it was a brain tumour and he laughed!!!!The anxiety makes the headaches worse.x

08-07-2013, 01:29 AM
Have you ever felt a hot liquid sensation on the back of your head? Idk sometimes It doesn't even feel like headaches it feels like sensations. It's really odd. I was looking up tension headaches, could this be the one I'm getting?

08-07-2013, 01:32 AM
Yes,all the time,feels like inside my head is burning.I always think the worse,I guess I have suffered too long with headaches,if I don't get one-I worry even more!!!!:-)

08-07-2013, 01:37 AM
The hot liquid is so common,, I get this too. I even get this throughout my body. .. normalv

08-07-2013, 01:43 AM
Why would we get headaches from anxiety and panic attacks? I'm also very worried because everyone who has died in my family has been from cancer. But if I had cancer or something like that, they would be able to tell in my blood right. Like something would be off?

08-07-2013, 01:50 AM
Why would we get headaches from anxiety and panic attacks? I'm also very worried because everyone who has died in my family has been from cancer. But if I had cancer or something like that, they would be able to tell in my blood right. Like something would be off?

I always ask myself the same question because I have had my blood drawn about 50 times.. idk how they test that ..

08-07-2013, 03:52 AM
No. There are really only very few cancers that can be detected with a blood draw. But if the cancer has been in your body for a while then your immune system would kick in trying to fight it. They would be able to see that in a blood test that your white blood cell count was high or low. But that's after a while.

08-07-2013, 05:31 AM
So I could have brain cancer or a tumor?

08-07-2013, 05:36 AM
I highly doubt it. What are your symptoms? How long have you had them?

08-07-2013, 05:50 AM
Well it started with the panic attacks a month ago. Than my breast started hurting real bad and it has swollen, my dr told me I might have a lump too. Than the head sensations, and when I mean sensations is my head didnt hurt like a headache or a migraine it was like I could feel something in the back of my head, and only on one side. Pain in the back of my eyes. A hot liquid sensation on the back of my head. I still feel pain and sensitive where it was. And my head is always sore. my neck especially. That was over 2 or 3 weeks ago. Sometimes It feels like a needle going in my head. Now I'm getting terrible migraines. And It seems like I'm always sleeping. And it's stressing me out thinking something could be really wrong with me. I also woke up a couple days ago and got that sensation in my head,I blew my nose and there were a few drops of blood it also seemed like there was dry blood so maybe it was just a dry nose, but I never get nose bleeds and never really have a dry nose either.

08-07-2013, 06:01 AM
I've never had those exact symptoms but everyone's different. I've always had anxiety but everything started getting progressively worse physically. Mine started with chest pains. I thought it was my heart because they're right where my heart is. I got ekgs and they said my heart was fine. I all the sudden got weird blind spots in my eyes that started out in one eye then went to both. They're really big now. I can only see them if I concentrate on something and turn my head to the sides. I feel pressure in the back of my head sometimes and sharp pains in my left temple. I feel numbness in my arms and like I'm super weak a lot

08-07-2013, 06:06 AM
i had all those freaky head sensations - the skull crushing pressure, the eyes on fire, the hot lava rock, the needles, the blurbs and pops, tingles, shocks, etc.. i would lay huddled in the floor clutching my head thinking i was totally insane. i pray it never comes back!

08-07-2013, 06:09 AM
Was it your anxiety?

08-07-2013, 06:24 AM

08-07-2013, 06:37 AM
Why would we get headaches from anxiety and panic attacks? I'm also very worried because everyone who has died in my family has been from cancer. But if I had cancer or something like that, they would be able to tell in my blood right. Like something would be off?

I believe the link with headaches and anxiety is do to muscle tension.