View Full Version : Anxiety about having anxiety! A vicious circle

08-06-2013, 10:10 PM
So my anxiety started a long time ago when my life was stressful and full of constant nerve bending moments. I've changed everything down to my job, lifestyle, literally everything. Im drug free, rarely drink and only socially, very healthy and fit, excellent diet, stress free job and overall very happy and satisfying life. So of course my anxiety attacks me again, while I was driving one day. Now i get anxious before i drive because I'm so anxious and about having a anxiety attack that it actually causes me to get one. No it happens a lot! Does this happen to anyone else and what do you do to calm yourself or end it overall?

08-06-2013, 10:50 PM
So my anxiety started a long time ago when my life was stressful and full of constant nerve bending moments. I've changed everything down to my job, lifestyle, literally everything. Im drug free, rarely drink and only socially, very healthy and fit, excellent diet, stress free job and overall very happy and satisfying life. So of course my anxiety attacks me again, while I was driving one day. Now i get anxious before i drive because I'm so anxious and about having a anxiety attack that it actually causes me to get one. No it happens a lot! Does this happen to anyone else and what do you do to calm yourself or end it overall?

I believe you suffer from what's called "anticipated anxiety" since it happened to you while driving now you anticipate it to kick in anytime you are about to go for a drive.
I think the best way to deal with this is to drive even longer distances but remember to walk before running, increase the distance gradually and you will see that eventually it will fade away.
Good luck my friend and enjoy the sunshine state :)..

08-07-2013, 04:10 AM
Anxiety is a horrible cycle... You worry , constantly. I find something positive to do alone helps; exercises, painting writing, gardening, meditation, Erc help