View Full Version : Wierd feeling in chest.

08-05-2013, 04:45 AM
Every once in a while but at least once a day I get this weird feeling that I just figured out how to describe. Imagine you really have a crush on someone and they unexpectedly enter the room and maybe smile at you - the feeling I get when that happens is similar to this unprovoked random feeling that I'm asking about. Basically, out of nowhere, for like one second, I seem to stop breathing, have a tightness in the back of my throat and experience what feels like a wave of low pressure in the center of my chest. It's a little like what you might call an adrenaline rush or a panic wave... last Aug was when I went to the ER because I got scared. They did cheat X-ray,EKG, Blood work, cardiac enzymes. Everything came back normal. should I consider more tests? I don't have insurance at this time.

08-05-2013, 05:13 AM
I know what you're talking about. I get that, too. Feels like you're in an elevator that just dropped six feet.