View Full Version : True friends

08-04-2013, 01:17 AM
I have a true Friend here that has helped me in the time we have known eachother, really has helped me out.. He's a awesome friend. And I'm glad I have ur support.. u know who u are.. I won't advertise u.. or make u uncomfortable but thank u: ):):):)

08-04-2013, 01:33 AM
I have a true Friend here that has helped me in the time we have known eachother, really has helped me out.. He's a awesome friend. And I'm glad I have ur support.. u know who u are.. I won't advertise u.. or make u uncomfortable but thank u: ):):):)

Kind words to a clearly deserving person. Credit to him/her for helping u :)

08-04-2013, 01:37 AM
He's great.. my days/nights have been a lot more easy going.. that's just what I need: )

08-04-2013, 02:02 AM
He's great.. my days/nights have been a lot more easy going.. that's just what I need: )

It's amazing how u can connect to someone u have never met before, but felt like u have know them your whole life. Having someone who has that lived experience, understanding Nd compassion is far more powerful than any 10 minute appointment with a GP.

08-04-2013, 02:11 AM
It's amazing how u can connect to someone u have never met before, but felt like u have know them your whole life. Having someone who has that lived experience, understanding Nd compassion is far more powerful than any 10 minute appointment with a GP.

Yes u r correct.. they can feel my pain, my struggles.. the way my body feels when I complain.. I think if u get a hold of a person who is willing to fight with u, it's the best blessing of all.. its the best feeling to have someone who has walked in ur shoes..

08-04-2013, 02:20 PM
I have a friend like that, too but no one who's been through the same. They think they understand but never really do. I feel like its impossible to describe these feelings to someone who hasn't experienced them but I'm really happy to have someone in my life who doesn't judge me because of this condition. Great to hear that you have a person like that to keep you strong :)