View Full Version : bad posture and chest aches and pains linked?

08-03-2013, 11:18 AM
i ve been having aches and pains in my chest for nearly a year now i ve had ekgs and bloodwork that was ok and the doctor and hospital always say its anxiety and thar cardiac pain wouldnt be constant all day every day like what i feel and i am only 24. i also get upper back pain and its also very tight because i sit hunched foward all the time and i see a massage therapist who said it could cause chest aches and muscle pain and aswell as me being anxious that just makes it worse. but i am not convinced so curious if anyone else has something similar to me.
cheers guys

08-03-2013, 11:38 AM
I get chest pain constant all day everyday for last 3 month it's under my left breast or sometimes above mostly under tho. some time it goes for a few days but always comes back n someways I hardly get it n like now it's been away for a week or so but I do still feel little stabs now n then on left or right side :/ I mainly suffer with chest pain arm pain (numb and tingles) and back pain :(

08-03-2013, 12:44 PM
I get chest pain and left arm pain. In some positions I get it worse then others. I been noticing that posture has a lot to do with my chest pain/discomfort. It's crazy. :/

08-03-2013, 02:26 PM
I get tightness in chest. .. and back hurts too. The only way to stop pain in chest is to lay down and both feel better.. so I'm sure it has to be connected: )

08-03-2013, 07:01 PM
i think there is a link alright.I have terrible posture and i am in the process of slight corrections.Try googling posture correction its very helpful,like pinching your shoulder blades together 10-11 times a day and holding for as little as 10 secs drastically helps.I have been wearing my shoulders up around my ears for weeks and didn't even realise i was doing it! also seating positions are vital to correcting posture,if you find yourself slouching don't just sit up straight but sit up slightly,its uncomfortable for me to straighten out my shoulders and back but a little at a time and eventually it will make your body adopt better sitting/sleeping positions.