View Full Version : Anxiety and Power of Suggestion

08-03-2013, 10:07 AM
Do any of you feel you can bring on symptoms that you never had just by simply thinking what it would feel like? This happens to me quite a bit.

But I also get symptoms without even consciously thinking about them.

I suffer from soon as I wake up with 24/7 lightheadedness and chronic tiredness. These are my constant symptoms. But from time to time I develop symptoms of harder to breath, throbbing head (no pain), popping ears and sometimes a little blurred vision.

These pop up at random and will stay a little throughout the day and go away. But I then can think to myself 'what if' my chest starts to sting and sure enough it will.

This happen to any of you? And do you have constant (distracting) symtoms that will stay and not go away?


08-03-2013, 10:41 AM
Do any of you feel you can bring on symptoms that you never had just by simply thinking what it would feel like? This happens to me quite a bit.

But I also get symptoms without even consciously thinking about them.

I suffer from soon as I wake up with 24/7 lightheadedness and chronic tiredness. These are my constant symptoms. But from time to time I develop symptoms of harder to breath, throbbing head (no pain), popping ears and sometimes a little blurred vision.

These pop up at random and will stay a little throughout the day and go away. But I then can think to myself 'what if' my chest starts to sting and sure enough it will.

This happen to any of you? And do you have constant (distracting) symtoms that will stay and not go away?


Our minds are powerful if u think you are ill then u will feel ill if u notice a little bit of pain example in your stomach then we manifest the pain and fear so it makes it worse. Another example with anxiety suffers is that we can read some one else symptoms and get them in our head then bang we have got them best thing as hard as it is is to ignor it ;)

08-03-2013, 11:09 AM
This happens to me, if I look up the symptoms of something on google then I will instantly get all the symptoms. I've been doing CBT to help I'm not allowed to google anymore and I try to think realistically and that its just anxiety I won't have that pain tomorrow. I suffer lightheadedness and constant tiredness aswell which makeshift anxiety worse