View Full Version : i need to know how i can help my girlfriend with her anxeity

07-27-2013, 09:40 AM
Hi i would like to know if anyone could help me in anyway my girlfriend has both panic attacks and axiety i no what to do when she has a panic attack ive helped her out of one . I just need some help on how to help her with axiety i love her very much and dont want to loose her shes great so can anyone give me advice or who to contact to help me please

07-27-2013, 07:19 PM
It is great that you want to help her! So many people don't realize just how bad anxiety attacks feel. They are just terrible. Not sure exactly what advice that I can give you except to let you know what i experience personally. Sometimes my attacks last for days. I try to stay in a routine and force myself to get out of bed as I have spent literally days in bed praying for the feeling to pass. Sometimes I just feel a strong urge to be held tight. Has she seen a doctor? And do you have options as far as counseling? I'm not qualified in any way regarding medication but I can tell you that I am on medication and for me, it helps. But I only take it when I can't function. If she has not seen a professional yet, I would recommend it. Reassure her, hold her and Hang in there!