View Full Version : Six visits to the ER in 2 years....help!

10-03-2007, 10:43 AM
Hi all, I'm new to the board, and I really need some advice regarding my anxiety. Since age 15, I've been plagued by depression, which I have always kept under control (relatively speaking) with medication. About two years ago, I got sick for the first time. I was at a friend's wedding, and luckily it happened after the reception. Anyway I had one glass of wine the whole evening, but by the end of the night I was wretching uncontrolably and dehydrated, I started hyperventilating so much my hands went numb., crying and rocking back and forth...movement seemed to make me more comfortable. I was given some shots in the ER, an IV, and they sent me home. My boyfriend and I chalked it up to food poisoning.

2 years later and I have made 6 nearly identical trips to the ER. They've taken x-rays, a CAT scan, blood tests, all show nothing physically wrong with me. Every time I went, it became more apparent that this is VERY likely an anxiety problem. Almost every time I get sick, I have some kind of stressful event (happy or otherwise) to deal with. The last time it happened (two weeks ago) I was having surgery on an old ankle injury the next day.

I am seeing a psychiatrist as advised by my GP in 2 weeks, but until then I was hoping someone could give me a little advice or input. The biggest problem with these incidents is that I CANNOT stop it on my own. Once I'm throwing up, that's it, it gets worse and worse and the only thing that will end the episode is an IV and anti-nausea injections (including Ativan, which helps more than anything, but I can't keep pills down after I start yaking. There HAS to be another way to stop these episodes when they happen. I am getting married in 2 months and am becoming terrified that I will ruin my own wedding.

The other problem is that if this is anxiety, which I truly believe it is, I don't get the mental symptoms. I might feel a little nervous about something, totally normal, like my surgery, but I don't get the classic panic attacks w/a racing heart or feelings of fear. It manifests almost entirely physically. My doctor gave me Xanax to take when I feel nervous, and it definitely helps, but I continue to have these attacks.

What can I do?

10-05-2007, 05:44 AM
Hey Frippledip,

Sorry to hear about your symptoms. No matter what the physical manifestation, they all stem from your thoughts and feelings. So you've got to attack the problem there first.

You're doing a great job by seeing a therapist. That's a big first step to recovery. Talking it out WILL help you in time.

Certainly you should be hitting your anxiety from every possible angle of healing. Including:

give yourself and outlet like reading or some kind of hobby
drink sleepytime tea before bed to calm you

Most importantly, force yourself into a positive mindset. KNOW that you WILL overcome this. Anytime a doubt comes into your head with regard to this fact - toss it away as if it were a sin.

We are our thoughts. so make your thoughts positive and the rest will follow suit.


10-08-2007, 12:11 AM
Thanks Rachel,

I came back this weekend from a trip to Newport Beach (ironically to see a friend named Rachel) and it was a great trip...but I did get sick after dinner Sat night. It was a great meal, I was feeling fine, but then my last bite of dinner went down about as easy as trying to swallow a feather. I started feeling nauseated right at that moment, but managed to hide it from my fiance. I knew he'd groan "OH NO" if I said anything. We had to take an auto ferry back to our hotel and I just kept talking myself down, saying to relax...luckily it was only a 15 minute ride home but I still kept urping up my dinner. I had him drop me off before he parked the car, and I promptly went upstairs and lost the whole meal.

By the time he got upstairs I was fine and admitted to being sick, so I just laid down, put a washcloth on my head, took a xanax and a zofram (anti-nausea) and I recovered beautifully.

So I managed to get out of this little attack (if that's what it was) by talking myself out of it. I could tell this timeit was nowhere near as bad, but I did still et sick. I think I might benefit temporarily from something like xanax but long-term acting, maybe Ativan?

I am definitely all for going the psychotherapy route, and talking through some of these issues. But with the wedding coming up, I would feel a lot safer with some good medication if I need it. Have you or anyone else here have first-hand med advice?