View Full Version : Just need help through this

07-18-2013, 06:08 PM
I've gotten over the heart anxiety before...but it's returning. My constant desire to check my heart rate and google.

I've been to the cardiologist just 5 months ago. He told me I do have sinus tachycardia, and sometimes inappropriate sinus tachy. Mostly happens when I'm standing.

I asked him about it possibly being POTS, and he said very unlikely since being tachy on standing is my only symptom.

I recorded that visit with him. As I was listening to it, he did say that he gives patients beta blockers for it. He told me no though, since I was planning to get pregnant. He told me to just live and bear with the symptoms.

I don't feel like I'm gonna die anytime soon from it. I suppose I mostly fear that it is going to shorten my life, and perhaps cause problems in the future.

I also hate not being "normal".

I guess just some words of encouragement would be nice. I know there is not much that can be done since I am pregnant. I don't want to go down that nasty anxiety ridden state I was in just 6 months ago. It was pure hell.

I want to be more hopeful of my future, and not constantly dwell on the what ifs. I know I can do it. I know it can be beaten. I've done it before.

07-18-2013, 06:22 PM
I also have sinus tach, and usually inappropriate. For me, it can be as simple as brushing my teeth. It's important to remember that your heart speeding up isn't dangerous, just annoying. Think about when you work out, it speeds up then also and that's safe.

As far as long term damage, I don't think you're in danger. I take the beta blocker, but my cardiologist told me it was safe not to. And remember, after the baby you can start taking it if needed.

I hope you feel better!!

07-18-2013, 06:35 PM
Wow steph. Thanks for your reply. I've heard those comments so many times before, but its so easy to forget.

When I read about it online, all I hear is, "youre not normal. Get help. It could be really dangerous.."

So thank you for reminding me what I already knew, but had forgotten. Hopefully I can kick some tachy anxiety trash!

I've also been tachy for 6 years since giving birth to my first child. I'm still alive.