View Full Version : Getting some control back

09-24-2007, 03:45 PM
I am happy to say I am feeling much better - I think this is the shortest anxiety attack i have had in the last 15 years. It isn't over but I am more able to think clearly and realize the irrationality of some of my fears.

I decided this time I would start writing a journal about the attacks so I can recall how I feel during them. I started by writing down what I could remember about my first attacks and slowly filled it in up to the latest. THis has helped me.

Another thing that helped me was to ask myself what the anxiety attack was allowing me to avoid in my life - meaning what was the upside of the attack. I quickly realized that the "attack" allowed me to avoid three things that I was pressuring myself to do for other people. I think this was the breakthrough for me. I could focus on those three things one at a time and deal with them. For me, all three issues had to do with the fear of disappointing someone.

I am not cured - but I can tell the anxiety is heading into remission!