View Full Version : whats wrong? what can help?

09-24-2007, 11:01 AM
My mind races some times, everything around is moving so fast. My mind seems cluttered and im unable to think clearly. I feel like im losing my mind

I can be happy one minute, then the next minute i will be extremely depressed and feeling suicidal. I keep telling myself, i dont want to die. Why is life so hard?

I cant take this anymore, i need help but i dont know where to go,

i used to be on lexapro about a 2 years ago and it seemed to help, but i decided to stop taking it about a year ago and ive been fine up until now.

can anyone reccomend some medication, and or personal help techniques

thankyou, jimmy

09-24-2007, 11:22 AM
I feel same as you too :(

09-24-2007, 02:05 PM
I highly recommend the http://www.DrivingFear.com program. It teaches techniques that will help your overall anxiety and comes with individual support and a guarantee/return policy so there's no risk. I also think the Attacking Anxiety program is pretty good, but expensive.

I'm not against meds, but think that they should be a temporary solution until you can learn better coping skills and strategies for your anxiety. I personally have used xanax with success but hear that's kind of antiquated now (I've not been problematic with anxiety for 6 years or so now).

If you're suicidal you need to talk to a professional. Don't lose hope, there's no reason to. I know MANY people who have overcome this, they just don;t hang in the forums anymore which is why it can seem so gloomy.

10-08-2007, 12:37 AM
hon your symptoms sound a lot like bipolar disorder. Have you seen a psychiatrist?