View Full Version : Labyrintithis?

09-22-2007, 10:54 AM

does anyone have experience with dizziness caused by Labyrinthitis, this illness of the inner ear wich causes balance problems?

I don't really have BALANCE problems, just feel sick and get blurry vision and feel faint when I do quick movements. Not always, but often.

Does someone think the symptoms I illustrate in the following thread of mine might be caused by labyrinthitis?

I've actually been diagnosed five years ago with that. But I don't know if it's causing the symptoms I have now.

Hope somebody can help.

Thank you.

09-23-2007, 05:52 AM
Really, nobody?

09-23-2007, 10:10 PM
I was diagnosed with Labrynthitis back when my dizzies started getting particularly severe, this was after the time when I actually lost the ability to speak. At the time, there had been an outbreak of labrynthitis so this seemed like an obvious call for the doctor.

For the record, I did NOT have labrynthitis, I had anxiety. Nothing more than an escalation of my panic... Personally, I think you have symptoms of anxiety, I doubt you have labyrinthitis as it's really quite rare. Having said that, as always, if in doubt, have it checked by someone who can professionally make a comment on it.

09-25-2007, 12:58 AM
I suffered from the same feeling of dizziness with certain head movements and such. It all came back to anxiety. I spent much time going to balance disorder centers and specialists of the inner ear to find out what was going on with me. I came to find out that there was infact nothing wrong with my inner ear. After seeking help for inner ear, I searched for a therapist and found a very good one. After that my dizziness has been lessening significantly to the point now where I no longer experience the dizziness feeling anymore. I hope you feel better and find out the right cause to your problem.

09-26-2007, 05:04 AM
Thanks a lot for your replies.
My symptoms, indeed, disappeared last winter to come back in the summer. I even remember a friend who knows about my problem and suffered from anxiety too, telling me that with the summer, my symptoms would come back. I think that was suggestion!

Anyway, I forgot something important: I have a hear loss on th right ear, it has almost completely lost use since I was a child. No doctor ever told me why, one said "maybe a virus"...

Anyhoo, I'll check my inner ear. It would be great to find a simple answer to this problem, in facts. I think it would make my anxiety on this pass.