View Full Version : Hello!!

07-10-2013, 03:00 PM
Hey everyone,

I've just recently signed up to this. I suffer from depression and experience high anxiety in big crowds etc. I just want to know if anyone else suffers frm depression, what they take etc. i signed up to this just to see what advice others can give.

Hope you're all well!

Claire xxx

07-11-2013, 01:20 AM
Hi Claire, I too suffer from anxiety and depression. I currently take clonazepam and celexa. They help slightly, but as I have said in other threads, medicine are only a bandage, not a solution. It is better to voice issues and fix them rather than cover them up with medicine. I am new also, so its good to see fellow new members.

07-11-2013, 02:27 AM
Hey :)

Yeah you're so right, I wasn't too sure about taking medication, but i've done counselling/therapy and wanted to try it t see if it makes a difference. I've been n fluoxetine for about 4 years or so. It does help, but it makes me feel so shit knowing that if I don't take it my mood drops :(.


07-11-2013, 03:17 AM
Thats the downside, once you stop, its downhill. Whenever I miss celexa for a few days I get brain zaps and extremely irritable. So I know what its like. That's why I like the forums, they help more than any medication!

07-22-2013, 12:24 PM
Hi there welcome!