View Full Version : Excessive yawning and exercise

07-09-2013, 05:54 PM

I am trying to start to exercise again, so after work I decided to go for a walk, nothing strenuous. I noticed that I was yawning excessively and started to worry.

I have been yawning to catch a deep breath for about 4 months now and it is really annoying.

Anyone had this problem before?

07-09-2013, 06:45 PM

I am trying to start to exercise again, so after work I decided to go for a walk, nothing strenuous. I noticed that I was yawning excessively and started to worry.

I have been yawning to catch a deep breath for about 4 months now and it is really annoying.

Anyone had this problem before?

I do this all the time!!! Since I got anxiety in 2011. Some days I'm good others I do it a lot when I'm anxious... Right now I'm getting anxious and so I keep trying to get a deep breath by yawning, it's making my chest/ribs sore :(

07-09-2013, 06:47 PM
This happens to me all the time! I can`t remember when it started but its definitely been a while. Its very annoying and I notice it the most when I`m active (walking, etc) also.

07-09-2013, 07:08 PM
Had it since my anxiety got out of control! We all do it from time to time obviously, but now it's ten fold

07-09-2013, 07:14 PM

I am trying to start to exercise again, so after work I decided to go for a walk, nothing strenuous. I noticed that I was yawning excessively and started to worry.

I have been yawning to catch a deep breath for about 4 months now and it is really annoying.

Anyone had this problem before?

Yes.. I have always tried to find sneaky little ways to get more air lol.. The hunger for air.. The deep relaxing breathe.. Grrr

07-09-2013, 07:24 PM
Yes.. I have always tried to find sneaky little ways to get more air lol.. The hunger for air.. The deep relaxing breathe.. Grrr

The yawning I do, tends to bother others more than myself :)

07-10-2013, 06:03 AM
The yawning I do, tends to bother others more than myself :)

Lol.. That's funny

07-10-2013, 08:06 AM
Well it's known that the reason we yawn is because your brain needs more oxygen... And when you're anxious breathing becomes more shallow. So I suspect it's just a way of your body getting more oxygen?

07-10-2013, 08:32 AM
Well it's known that the reason we yawn is because your brain needs more oxygen... And when you're anxious breathing becomes more shallow. So I suspect it's just a way of your body getting more oxygen?

This is probably true..
.. And the hunger for air, or air hunger.. The urgency to get that deep breathe is also associated w bringing on a calm feeling.. So those of us who try and get that deep relaxing breathe are probably trying to calm down by doing so..

I have had this issue for a loooonnggg time.. But in recent years I do not.. Mostly bc I was obsessed w the belief that I was asthmatic, and that THAT was why I was always trying to find ways to get more air.. But then being in therapy, a yr in.. Talking about how people breathe and why etc.. Annnnddd I also had all kinds of medical tests done.

About a year into therapy and after tests, I FINALLY believed I wasn't asthmatic and that whole issue almost completely dropped out.. I was also on meds too ;)