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Marissa Hermosillo
07-09-2013, 01:53 PM
Hi everyone, i'm new here so i thought i would introduce myself. I'm marissa, i'm a 20 year old stay at home mom and wife. i've struggled with anixety for about two years. ever since i was about 3 months pregnant i began to not feel like myself.. very depressed and moody. i thought it was just because of the hormone changes due to being pregnant but after giving birth to my son, i became very depressed and angry. i tried a few medications but eventually after a very bad panic attack i overdosed on sleeping pills and ended up in the hospital and psych ward. after that experience i decided to stay off anti-depressants but eventually it got so bad that i tried taking zoloft because my sister also takes this medication who has the same problems as me. it has helped very much and i don't have panic attacks as often and don't feel depressed all the time. however i do still deal with anxiety, just not as bad everyday. sorry for the long post. do other members here also get extremely angry and depressed because of their anxiety?