View Full Version : Disturbing or untruthful thoughts

07-09-2013, 01:43 PM
I have been dealing with depression and anxiety recently. I don't need to share the whole story but the only problems I have been having recently have been with my thoughts. Some of the thoughts I have been having I know aren't true but they still seem to bother me. Some of the thoughts include thinking that I don't love my girlfriend and that I don't believe in God. But the thing is I know that I do love my girlfriend and I do believe in God. It just freaks me out sometimes and then I start to question myself. Some other thoughts that pop into my head are thinking about the future and wondering if these thoughts will pop up later in life and if I will be stressed out about these untruthful thoughts forever. Has anyone else had thoughts that disturb them or thoughts that they know aren't true? Any advice?

07-09-2013, 02:26 PM
I have been dealing with depression and anxiety recently. I don't need to share the whole story but the only problems I have been having recently have been with my thoughts. Some of the thoughts I have been having I know aren't true but they still seem to bother me. Some of the thoughts include thinking that I don't love my girlfriend and that I don't believe in God. But the thing is I know that I do love my girlfriend and I do believe in God. It just freaks me out sometimes and then I start to question myself. Some other thoughts that pop into my head are thinking about the future and wondering if these thoughts will pop up later in life and if I will be stressed out about these untruthful thoughts forever. Has anyone else had thoughts that disturb them or thoughts that they know aren't true? Any advice?

Hello there I know just what your saying and yes I had thoughts that are
So scary the last five weeks tho they are getting better day by day,I am
On sertraline 50g (Zoloft) and tho I think it's helping I think I've trained my mind to know my thoughts are not real they are what they are and that's thoughts,let me put it this way I bet the thoughts that your having are there when you wake up and all through the day and the last thing you think of at night? Which then in turn fuels your anxiety towards them which then makes you Question yourself? The only reason you question yourself is because you keep on having these re Occurring thoughts every day,the only way to get rid of then is by Excepting them and I don't mean in the sence that they are real
I mean to Except that they are just a thought in your head and they are not real they are a lie,if you try to forget them they will
Only get worse and by Excepting them and letting your brain know they are nothing Important you will soon have less
And less :)

07-09-2013, 02:28 PM
Yeah it's just worry and part of being anxious. Worry is the beginning of anxiety. Anxiety creates self doubt often. Any treatment yet? Alankay

07-09-2013, 05:38 PM
I have been seeing a psychiatrist and I am on 100mg Wellbutrin SR. I have been seeing him for about three weeks now. Weekly appointments. I feel like another really big part is my girlfriend has been away for almost three weeks now and I haven't seen her and barely get to talk to her. So I don't know if that is making things worse because I can't be with her and actually see how much I care about her. I have another appointment tomorrow to go and talk about more stuff. I have been working on accepting them and I know that it will get better in time. Thanks for the advice. Hopefully things will start to look up soon.

07-09-2013, 07:40 PM
Things will get better. If you don't improve taking the Wellbutrin, don't be afraid to ask them to switch your medication. Some of my friends said it works well for them, and some said it doesn't. I've never taken it, so I have no personal experience with it. I currently take Lexapro and it's helped a lot. And yes, I've had many irrational thoughts. I don't think anxiety and depression are two separate entities. I believe everyone with anxiety suffers from some form of depression...mild, moderate or severe. Hang in there and don't doubt yourself. It's pretty typical to have irrational thoughts, things you know aren't true. That's how the brain works when in a cycle of depression/anxiety. One feeds the other. The cycle can be broken. It's great that you're getting treatment and not trying to go it alone. Good for you! Keep us posted how you're progressing. And don't get discouraged with any minor setbacks. You will heal.

07-10-2013, 10:23 AM
Thank you so much JLBnole68 sometimes when I have these setbacks or can't seem to shake it I think that these feelings are going to last forever. I get nervous which just makes things get worse. I am trying to keep a positive attitude about everything. I am getting better at accepting all of these things and realizing that they are a result of my anxiety/depression. I am ready to be back with my girlfriend because I'm sure that once I am with her again it will prove to me again how much I love her and how I can get beyond this anxiety. She deals with depression and anxiety as well so we always have each other to fall back on. I will keep you posted on how things go especially after my appointment tonight.

07-10-2013, 11:30 AM
I understand the stressing about having future thoughts. My advice is to try and stay in the present. If you do have the thoughts in the future you will most likely be stronger and more confident than today making you able to ignore or recognize that these thoughts are not true. :)

07-10-2013, 11:42 AM
I would try and avoid thinking about the future

07-10-2013, 07:53 PM
Just letting everyone know that today has been actually pretty good. I did a lot of writing and went to my appointment and things started feeling better. I know things won't just be better but it is a big step to getting there.

07-10-2013, 07:56 PM
Glad to hear :-)

07-10-2013, 07:58 PM
That's great to hear! Good for you.

07-12-2013, 09:54 AM
I was feeling so much better. I mean my mind is still in good shape but no I am feeling many effects on my body. I feel nauseous. I don't have an appetite. Sometimes I am short of breath. I'm so out of energy and tired. I mean I want so badly to get better but all of these effects it is having on my body is freaking me out. Any advice?

07-12-2013, 02:40 PM
This morning I thought I was going to lose it. I thought I had lost and I thought this is what my life was going to be like. But then it just kind of hit me. Positive thinking changes everything. Once I got into a positive attitude everything was fine. Of course the thoughts still came up but they aren't a big deal anymore everything just feels better and now I know the power of a positive attitude.