View Full Version : Is it just me or is everyone dying?

07-08-2013, 01:53 PM
I know this is a blunt question, but I'm just curious if anyone else feels this way. Everywhere I look someone young passed away :( Maybe I just notice it more because if my anxiety?!! I do t know!!

07-08-2013, 02:24 PM
I think anxiety plays a major role in it. Over freaked out every time I hear of someone dying if an illness or something. A few years ago at a Halloween party, a "palm reader", who probably wasnt actually a palm reader, read my palm and said that my life line had a break in it which meant that I would come close to death but not die. I didn't think anything of that but since I've had all these anxiety symptoms and physical things going on, that pops into my head and I keep waiting for something to try and kill me. Crazy right lol??

07-08-2013, 02:57 PM
I didn't think anything of that but since I've had all these anxiety symptoms and physical things going on, that pops into my head and I keep waiting for something to try and kill me. Crazy right lol??

This happens to me all the time. I will hear something and remember hearing it and all of a sudden when my anxiety comes on I use that. I forgot what it was that freaked me out but it was one of those intrusive thoughts. My anxiety is based on mental health, although I have been diagnosed GAD I am convinced I have Bi-polar disorder. I am a very logical person and I have dealt with depression so I know how I feel and I think I analyse them accuratly.

07-08-2013, 04:54 PM
I know what you mean! I feel like I am hyper aware of young people dying of terminal illnesses, and I know it is because of my anxiety. I always feel guilty for responding to learning of someone's untimely death by also wondering about my own health. Also, when I had a friend diagnosed with lymphoma (from which he has been successfully "cured"), I think I was more shocked by it than other people!

07-09-2013, 01:09 AM
Probably avoid the news if deaths are freaking you out. But as previously said by others anxiety makes you fixate on troubling subject matter and you keep going through it in your mind again and again. It serves no positive conclusion. You can't fixate or worry about the future, just have to do your best to recover from anxxiety in the here and now by reading more into anxiety, understanding it and revmoing the fear. Also look into CBT to help tackle unhelpful thought processes that you probably do daily without even realizing how it fuels the anxiety and symptoms etc.
