View Full Version : Hot Weather

07-08-2013, 10:10 AM
Hi all,

Hows everyone doing with the recent hot weather? I'm not fairing so well. The 2 antibiotics i'm on are possibly giving me side effects. Nausea, dizziness, severe headaches. As someone who is already prone to these either the pills are creating more anxiety and flaring up these symptoms or they're side effects.

The worst is the other antibiotic causing photosensitivity. Can' go out in the sun for very long before my skin starts getting irritated. It also seems to be adding to the general feeling of discomfort and dizziness/light headedness.

Thankfully UK weather changes frequently so i'm hoping it doesn't last too long. How do other people fair in hot weather? I guess some people love it and find it helpful and others find it a hinderance?


07-08-2013, 11:28 AM
It's made me feel good this weather but high anxiety at night I think it's to warm to sleep like you said its the uk so won't last long

07-08-2013, 12:16 PM
Yeah getting to sleep in this weather is very tough. Can't sleep with a fan on either :P


07-08-2013, 01:17 PM
Yeah getting to sleep in this weather is very tough. Can't sleep with a fan on either :P


Hi Ed, I struggle with the heat, I work outdoors. It makes me feel a little out of sorts. Heart races, which is normal in the heat, slight nausea, but can't get comfortable like I used to. If I stop and rest, I feel worse. Jason

07-08-2013, 02:27 PM
This heat is making me feel crazy! Dizzy, light headed, my brain feels like a cloud fog!
Got out and had to come right back home!!

How did this anxiety just slap me in the face one day out of no where!
I don't get it. Go away!

07-09-2013, 01:07 AM
True, it can be very disorientating. I think keeping busy is the best, probably why resting makes you feel worse. I mean I know we have to keep hydrated as that can cause dizziness but I think the general discomfort that the heat and glaring sun cause no doubt flusters our mind and body and adds even more overall stress.
