View Full Version : dentist appt. this morning and can't calm down

07-08-2013, 10:10 AM
I've been anticipating this appt. for a long time but no mental preparation is ever enough. I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled in an hour and feel like I'm going in for heart surgery. My heart is racing, I feel like I could vomit. I didn't get much sleep so my mind is cloudy, which leaves more room for panic. I'm supposed to have food in my stomach but the thought of having to eat now causes more anxiety. I just want to crawl back in bed with my little son and go to sleep. The actual procedure doesn't make me all that nervous... it's the getting there to do it that I can't stand. I can't gauge what it will be like because I've never experienced it, that's what is so hard. Not knowing what to expect, how I will feel, if everyone will be nice or set me off into pure panic. why does everything have to be so difficult?

07-08-2013, 10:11 AM
I think if you're very nervous they can give you a benzo to calm you down.
