View Full Version : Right side/breast pain

07-07-2013, 05:54 AM
Hey all.. ever since I got a panic attack, my right side has been more sore than usual. The soreness is usually around the armpit and above, below, and sometimes on my breast. It feels harder than the left and it's making me nervous. I'm seeing my GP on Wednesday for other reasons so if it still hurts by then I'll ask him about it, but what I'm hoping is that it's just sore muscles in my breast that are being strained during my panic attacks and my tense moments. It's worrying me though because it's been more than a week that I've had this soreness and it hasn't gone away much and it gets a little worse when I lie down. It also happens on my left breast/armpit as well but it's definitely not as bad. Has anyone else had this type of pain? I'm driving myself crazy

07-07-2013, 12:05 PM
Hi, i have posted a thread last Thursday about the Breast pain i have been having. Ive been having it on my right side around the arm pit and across the top of the breast and every now and then i will get pain on my left side, however its nearly always on the right side. I have a doctors appointment on Friday as my doctor only works part time. At one point last week i was going to go to the hospital as i couldnt cope with the worry and the anxiety was stressing me out big time. I had breast pain for a bit at the end of May but it went. Then it came back and at times it felt like a warm feeling , i even got it moving down my arm and up my face. I did think it could be an infection spreading as it feels warm and itchy at times.
It will be interesting to see what your doc tells you it is. My anxiety makes the pain worse or should i say seem worse and everything just goes around in a circle. Ive had the pain and i know its just where the Glands are. I can feel lumps and i say lumps as there are a handful and i also have them in the other breast.

I hope you manage to find out what it is and you can easily rest your mind and get it sorted.


07-07-2013, 12:13 PM
Hi, i have posted a thread last Thursday about the Breast pain i have been having. Ive been having it on my right side around the arm pit and across the top of the breast and every now and then i will get pain on my left side, however its nearly always on the right side. I have a doctors appointment on Friday as my doctor only works part time. At one point last week i was going to go to the hospital as i couldnt cope with the worry and the anxiety was stressing me out big time. I had breast pain for a bit at the end of May but it went. Then it came back and at times it felt like a warm feeling , i even got it moving down my arm and up my face. I did think it could be an infection spreading as it feels warm and itchy at times. It will be interesting to see what your doc tells you it is. My anxiety makes the pain worse or should i say seem worse and everything just goes around in a circle. Ive had the pain and i know its just where the Glands are. I can feel lumps and i say lumps as there are a handful and i also have them in the other breast. I hope you manage to find out what it is and you can easily rest your mind and get it sorted. Sarah

Hi Sarah,
I have recently found an odd lump in my left breast that hurts when I touch it, hurt when I run with no bra, and it hurts under my arm pit! Last night my anxiety was sky high because of corse I thought it was breast cancer!
I let my mum and grandma check it out, and they said it doesn't feel like anything serious, but anyway today... I went to the doctors and they told me that it was my hormones!!

So I guess, the pain you have will be something to do with periods and hormones etc ! I am 16 years old, also.

Hope this has set your mind at ease Sarah x

07-07-2013, 03:51 PM
Hi Sarah,
I have recently found an odd lump in my left breast that hurts when I touch it, hurt when I run with no bra, and it hurts under my arm pit! Last night my anxiety was sky high because of corse I thought it was breast cancer!
I let my mum and grandma check it out, and they said it doesn't feel like anything serious, but anyway today... I went to the doctors and they told me that it was my hormones!!

So I guess, the pain you have will be something to do with periods and hormones etc ! I am 16 years old, also.

Hope this has set your mind at ease Sarah x

Hi, thank you for your message. It does help to know that others are going through or have been through the same feeling and worries as yourself. Im glad you got yourself checked out and now it can put your mind at ease.

take care x

07-07-2013, 04:06 PM
I'm guessing it's just the stress and anxiety making it worse. Just today the soreness and pain has came to the left side as well.. it's annoying. It has to be all in my head because I'm trying not to think of anything bad but it's hard. I hope you sort out your situation as well.

07-11-2013, 01:45 PM
I'm guessing it's just the stress and anxiety making it worse. Just today the soreness and pain has came to the left side as well.. it's annoying. It has to be all in my head because I'm trying not to think of anything bad but it's hard. I hope you sort out your situation as well.

We all know that stress can effect your bodies in loads of ways, headaches, stomach cramps, chest pains etc. However when its happening to yourself we dont think oh we have a pain thats just stess so dont worry about it. Yet what happens.......... oooo im in pain , it was never there before, its getting worse, its spreading, should i go to the hospital, am i going to die,whats going to happen next, can the doctors help me .....etc etc. Its like when the anxiety takes over we think the worse case. Ive always been told you havnt got something until your told you have got it. Im glad you are thinking on the positive side!

07-11-2013, 01:55 PM
I got my blood test back and everything was normal. If anything was wrong it would have shown up, so that's giving me a lot more confidence that I will be okay. The pain still comes here and there but what can I do? I'm not sure it's anything serious at this point. Although I'm supposed to be see my OBGYN in about a month so who knows, but I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can.

07-11-2013, 02:19 PM
I was told lumps in the breast that are painful aren't usually cancer or anything serious. I dont know if that means anything to you guys. But I hope you feel better soon.

07-11-2013, 02:31 PM
I was told lumps in the breast that are painful aren't usually cancer or anything serious. I dont know if that means anything to you guys. But I hope you feel better soon.

Ohh that's interesting. Good to know, thanks.

07-11-2013, 04:15 PM
I had painful lumps about 3-4 years ago. Very worried i went to the doctor and she could feel one lump but she was also worried about something she could feel under the arm pit. I then ended up at the hospital crying my eyes out sitting in a room full of worried women. The consultant came out examined me and said ok stop crying your fine. I had got blocked ducts which could get better/ worse/ then to double check got me to have a ultra sound, which was ok then they offered me a mammogram which i turned down as i was such a nervous wreck. When i knew what it was after a while i stopped checking the lumps then one day when i checked they were gone.

You must also remember when you examine yourself use the flat of your hand If you use the tips of your fingers you will feel the odd little bumps. I used to check myself both ways and i would panic .

As i sit here typing i have slight pain from under my arm moving up to the top of my right breast. Im seeing the doctor tomorrow so i will have a better idea of whats going on.


07-11-2013, 05:12 PM
I had painful lumps about 3-4 years ago. Very worried i went to the doctor and she could feel one lump but she was also worried about something she could feel under the arm pit. I then ended up at the hospital crying my eyes out sitting in a room full of worried women. The consultant came out examined me and said ok stop crying your fine. I had got blocked ducts which could get better/ worse/ then to double check got me to have a ultra sound, which was ok then they offered me a mammogram which i turned down as i was such a nervous wreck. When i knew what it was after a while i stopped checking the lumps then one day when i checked they were gone.

You must also remember when you examine yourself use the flat of your hand If you use the tips of your fingers you will feel the odd little bumps. I used to check myself both ways and i would panic .

As i sit here typing i have slight pain from under my arm moving up to the top of my right breast. Im seeing the doctor tomorrow so i will have a better idea of whats going on.

For me there aren't any lumps, just more general soreness. It is getting better which is a good sign. I really do think the worst pain I had was when my anxiety was at my worse. It has to be a little bit in my head because as I am slowly recovering, so is the breast soreness. The soreness used to be a lot more irritating, I couldn't lie down without feeling something but now it's just a little bit. So I'm hoping that just eventually it'll go away. Good luck, I hope everything is alright. I'm sure it's nothing but it's always best to put your mind at ease when you see a doctor and they'll just say it's nothing. :)

07-12-2013, 12:15 AM
For me there aren't any lumps, just more general soreness. It is getting better which is a good sign. I really do think the worst pain I had was when my anxiety was at my worse. It has to be a little bit in my head because as I am slowly recovering, so is the breast soreness. The soreness used to be a lot more irritating, I couldn't lie down without feeling something but now it's just a little bit. So I'm hoping that just eventually it'll go away. Good luck, I hope everything is alright. I'm sure it's nothing but it's always best to put your mind at ease when you see a doctor and they'll just say it's nothing. :)

This time round mine is mainly pain, i get mine sometimes just as i sit here or if i move my arm. Yesterday i was checking myself as i worry ive missed a lump. I need to find it before the doctor does so i can prepare myself. When i did examine myself i could feel tenderness almost like a bruise im not to sure if there is a lump or swelling that could be in my head. . Ive not checked myself this morning to see if its as tender as yesterday. Ive been getting back pain sometimes hurting when i breath.

Im glad yours is slowly going away, and the more you relax the better it will be. Anxiety seems to add fuel to the worry .

Take care

08-22-2013, 05:02 AM
Well ive visited the doctor again a couple of days ago. The chest pain is just to much for me at times. I can be doing nothing and its there and sometimes its just moving or taking a breath in. Its still mainly around my right rib and under the arm. When the pain started many months ago it would be on the chest wall, now its always in my back like a stabbing pain. Every now and then it starts of a bit like indigestion and i can feel it spreading across the chest and i feel like its in my breast. My oh thinks its stress , some people of said its muscular or trapped nerve. Ive had a full blood test as well as a scan on my gallbladder and liver and a endoscope. It seems to die down for a 5-15 days then it comes back again. My anxiety hits the roof and i panic i feel like its spreading. Ive had this for too long now and i cant live like this. I hate tests, doctors, hospitals etc and the anxiety goes sky high when i have to go.

The doctor has now given me a form to fill in for a xray, at the time i started to panic and worry about it because we were talking about it. Ive calmed down at the moment and ive not gone to have it done as im also waiting for another appointment and i will do the xray at the same time. The pain i was getting in my breast started me off on a new worry but i was told cancer is a lump, not a pain which relaxed me however in my other breast i found a lump but the doctor examined me and informed me it felt ok. I then calm down for a bit then off i go again saying how do you know its a lump. She told me because a cancer lump is on its own other lumps are attached to the breast tissue. So i relax again and go home and thought i would examine myself before and after my cycle to see how tender or if the lump felt different. WELL i found another lump OMG i was so stressed out i couldnt cope so back to the doc and she said she couldnt really feel it and maybe i was just lumpy and im at the age where they would be lumpy breast tissue. I just cant cope i want my breast taken off i dont want to die ive had enough. I feel like something is spreading i get feelings of warmth from my arm pit to my breast. The doctor said theres no point in having my breasts removed im only going to stop cancer in my breasts i cant do it for every part of my body. I understand all of that but my anxiety is taking over every thought i have i just dont feel normal anymore.

What started off as a swelling just below my ribs has resulted in nearly 2 years of health issues, feelings, stressing, tests, sleepless nights, feeling sick, being grumpy, migraines and the list goes on!

So now im going to the breast clinic to get checked and as you can guess im stressing worrying about what the will find or tell me. I keep telling myself the doc has checked me twice and she said i feel ok. I know when i feel a lump it will feel the size of an apple and the doc will feel it and it will feel a lot smaller. Having tests you would think i would get some relief from it but i can tell you i dont it just makes me worse. I just want the doctor to tel me oh its only this or that...it will go....take this...... thats because you ate that.....etc etc. I dont want hospitals, i dont want tests, i dont want to wait, i dont want to hear bad results.

I know i will be able to cope until i get the letter and then i will start the days of counting down.

thanks for your time

08-22-2013, 07:09 AM
Hey guys i got that soreness and tightness on my left side heart area it feels like something bad gonna happen.. Do u guys get that sometimes?

08-23-2013, 01:43 PM
Hey guys i got that soreness and tightness on my left side heart area it feels like something bad gonna happen.. Do u guys get that sometimes?

I have got that in the past but i get it mainly when im worked up, i know its anxiety . However it doesnt make me feel any better because its still a pain and its around my heart. If it didnt go away i would take myself to the hospital.
