View Full Version : gluten and caffeine = anxiety?

07-05-2013, 11:32 AM
So, about three months ago I have some terrible stomach aches. My doctor did a stool test and found an overgrowth of candida. I searched the net and found out that that's a thing many people suffer from

I cut out all sugar, gluten, dairy and caffeine (I'm a pescetarian btw) and got on pro-biotics along with a /very expensive/ range of homeopathic meds . But tummy felt better almost instantly and the anxiety wore off too! AMAZING, I thought.

I wasn't too strict, sometimes having a soy latte and a piece of cake etc. (and I didn't give up alcohol, because its a big part of my social life..)
recently, I've stepped up on the "bad stuff", like today:
Had a veggie burger and fries for lunch
had an irish coffee in the afternoon with friends. About 5 minutes after the last sip of the coffee, I feel really bad. I'm dizzy, my legs hurt and I think I'm having a panic attack. In the middle of the street. I try to relax and be calm and tell my friends I don't feel too good and they say I look pale.

I'm still recovering from the anxiety attack and thinking; WTF?! Am I getting ALLERGIC til caffeine or gluten or something? Or is it just my body that's not used to that kind of stuff?
Has anyone tried a fairly strict diet and then got off it just to discover the anxiety worsens almost instantly?

I suffer from health anxiety, which of course only makes it worse that my body is somehow reacting..

any advice or anyone who knows what to do now?

07-05-2013, 11:36 AM
Caffeine can make your heart race and if you have cut it out it could Definitely make you feel like that,a bit like a Sugar rush,I have changed to de caff now as I was like you having to much as soon as I changed it really helped me as also my
Heart Palpitations

07-05-2013, 11:57 AM
I love coffee! But can never have it! Because I have anxiety. I can't even drink soda! I will have decaf coffee, or tea. Since you are going trough anxiety, your body is producing extra adrenaline so by drinking a coffee witch stimulates the adrenaline , you get double whammy! Alcohol not good either! Unless you drink a small amount, and drink plenty water!