View Full Version : Scary Spice Citalopram Withdrawal!

07-02-2013, 11:33 AM
Hi peeps - I'm new to this forum and thought I'd post to share my incredibly bizarre/scary experience of trying to come off Citalopram in case there's anyone out there currently experiencing what I went through but as was the case with me, hasn't even considered that their symptoms are anything to do with coming off the drug...

After 3+ years on the wonder drug (and I say 'wonder drug' because it did help me overcome what was diagnosed as 'endogenous depression') I decided it was time to slowly start weaning myself off it (20mg/day) as I was at a very stable and happy stage in my life. What went on to happen over the proceeding six months, however, was not just incredibly bizarre but also incredibly scary...and certainly not anything I'd been warned about :'( The horror progressed a little something like this....

Months 1 & 2 (to be expected?):
- Nose bleeds
- Tight breathing
- Loss of sensation down one side of body

Month 3 (not nice but bearable):
- Legs and arms not wanting to behave, making walking increasingly a struggle

Month 4 (got myself signed off work thinking I may just need to rest):
- Problem with limbs even worse - had to consciously tell them to move
- Sounds amplified to almost unbearable

Month 5 (the scary/baffling stuff begins):
- Bedbound due to next-to-no mobility (unable to even feed myself)
- Excruciating pain in the head and back
- Immense stiffness of body on waking
- Highly sensitive skin - even clothes and water caused pain
- Taste buds completely out of sorts (coffee tasted like sausages!)
- Uncontrollable tears (without emotion)

Month 6 (when I didn't think things could get any worse):
- Permanent double vision

Now before you ask, yes I did seek medical help - from the doctor, neurologist, t'internet, but nothing/no one was able to pinpoint; only rule out. I eventually decided for myself to start upping my Citalopram dose again on the off-chance that may help....and sure it enough it did. Within days, the vision started to rectify itself and all the other horrible symptoms gradually started to ease after months of just progressively getting worse.

And the reason?? I'd been experiencing symptoms of anxiety, apparently. I initially didn't buy this whatsoever and was almost angry to be told it because despite all I'd experienced, I'd managed to keep my mood and thoughts elevated (for the most part!). But then I was advised that you don't have to consciously feel anxious to experience symptoms of anxiety - it can also manifest itself somatically/physiologically (as opposed to cognitively) ...which made more sense as an explanation - especially as the reintroduction of the Citalopram had definitely helped.

Two and a half years on from getting back up to full dose and I'm a million times better but do still have some residual symptoms; lack of sensation down one side of my body, pins and needles in my fingers, occasional paralysis of left leg....but compared to how I was, they're nothing! The leg issue does admittedly frustrate/embarrass me when it happens, though, so I've been researching ways to help with my 'somatic anxiety' without having to pump more drugs into my body!

Someone mentioned to me about Ayurveda, which I'd never even heard of until four months ago, but after delving further it was definitely something of interest and so I booked an appointment with a consultant at a place in Reading (UK) that a colleague recommended to me. For those (like me pre-Googling!) who are unfamiliar with Ayurveda – it’s an ancient Indian form of healthcare that involves no drugs - only natural treatment methods - and what I liked best about the idea of it was that it's not bothered about diagnosing/labelling a disorder/illness; only treating the underlying factors that cause whatever symptoms or ailments you're experiencing.

The consultation was interesting - very thorough (they even ask you about bowel movements!) and although I've now received my own personal 'prescription', I've admittedly not started implementing the advice yet as I'm an all-or-nothing kinda gal and want to wait until I can do it properly (I'm currently on crutches with a broken ankle, booooo). I'll keep you posted, though, peeps....if you're interested!!?

With hindsight, I do wish I'd looked at 'alternative' medicines first before jumping on-board with the hard stuff but dems da berries - I am where I am. There's no way in the world I'm willing to attempt a Citalopram-free life again so guess I'll just have to treat Ayurveda as my 'complementary' therapy...


07-02-2013, 11:44 AM
OMG you poor thing,welcome to the forum :) I'm Emma I am from the uk to

07-02-2013, 11:59 AM
Yeah, that's kinda scary. I just started celexa a couple of weeks ago..

07-02-2013, 12:06 PM
I've only been on sertraline for 4 weeks and it's made me feel so much better all ready :)

07-02-2013, 12:25 PM
Thanks, Emma; I've been meaning to post something like the above for a while as even though I'm (pretty much) sorted now I will never forget the endless trawling of such forums by both myself and my parents to try and figure out what my symptoms were all about!

07-02-2013, 12:29 PM
Thanks, Emma; I've been meaning to post something like the above for a while as even though I'm (pretty much) sorted now I will never forget the endless trawling of such forums by both myself and my parents to try and figure out what my symptoms were all about!

So how much are you on now?

07-02-2013, 12:31 PM
Yeah, that's kinda scary. I just started celexa a couple of weeks ago..

As mentioned, Citalopram/Celexa did work wonders for helping my depression so I'd never actively disuade someone from going on it but maybe advise using it in conjunction with a holistic/natural form of medicine/therapy so to better prepare the body before coming off it.

07-02-2013, 01:16 PM
So how much are you on now?

I upped my dose to 30mg at the start of this year in the hope that it would sort out my 'residual symptoms' but nothing changed....for the better or worse! So I've just stayed on 30mg as the increase didn't/hasn't done me any harm. I was admittedly hoping for a quick fix but in the absence of getting one, I guess I'll have to invest a little more time and effort into conquering my quirky ailments.....cue Ayurveda!

07-02-2013, 01:19 PM
This sounds absolutely terrifying, and it's exactly the reason why I am exploring and trying holistic and natural options before I go down the road of taking a long term medication. I feel like I am in a good place to be doing that exploration, so I'm going to take advantage of it. No offense or criticism is meant to anyone who is taking medication, by any means, I just feel more comfortable looking into alternatives first. My previous doctor had prescribed me Paxil, and as she was writing the prescription, she launched into a speech about how difficult it is to stop taking because of the side effects...great, thanks for the positive reinforcement, lady. I'm waiting to see a new doctor, one who will hopefully be willing to talk to me about different options, and actually take the time to explain them, instead of just telling me, "Here, take this...and don't stop taking it because it will really mess you up if you do," which is exactly what the other doctor said before ushering me out of her office as quickly as possible.

07-03-2013, 04:43 AM
Why won't you let me reply to Str8tripping, Mr Forum Manager? :-( Anyway - here's my reply, Str8tripping, but in the form of a new post...

This is where conventional/modern medicine is so different to alternative, natural methods - it treats the body like a machine whereby the body and mind are two separate entities. And as everyone on here will be more than aware - they are very much interlinked! I can, however, see why it is tricky for a regular doctor to explain all the possible side effects of a drug given Drug A + Person A does not necessarily have the same effects (both good and bad) as Drug A + Person B. As human beings we are far too complex in our make up to be a generic mathematical equation. Given you are in a 'good place' at the mo I totally agree that you should take advantage of the fact - head space is like gold dust in the anxiety world!! And I don't mean to harp on about Ayurveda but it's definitely worth looking into - so much of what it's based on makes sense. Good luck with your quest! :-)