View Full Version : Im new on here

06-30-2013, 06:48 PM
The doctors said I have general anxiety disorder (about two months ago ) I have days were I feel ok because in distracted but any Time to myself I'm constantly thinking about the anxiety, I try my very best to convince myself il be ok but then depression sets in and I start to think what If I die or dot at better, I then feel detached and strange in public as if I'm not supposed to be there, I've started drinking a lot more recently because I try to go to the pub or to a bar with friends to escape spending so much time alone, I'm 20 on Tuesday !, I'm so worried about things going wrong even though I've had blood tests and chest X-rays and things, I'm not convinced its anxiety I feel like I'm going mad because three months ago I was my usual ADHD hyperactive self and then one day boom, my life just changed, im jut worried about so much and constantly worried about this

06-30-2013, 07:35 PM
Hi Shaun, and welcome to the forum! I think you'll find a lot of people here that can relate to the things you are going through...and a ton of great suggestions and resources!

06-30-2013, 07:37 PM
Cheers dude, it's selfish to say but I'm glad theres a lot of people that also suffer because that makes us all stronger in together if that makes sense

07-01-2013, 04:03 PM
Hello and welcome.. I'm pretty new here too!

Firstly you're definitely not alone in how you're feeling! I too just seemed to out of nowhere develop my anxiety problems. I started off with drinking a lot as it seemed to relax me BUT it is true what they say.. Drinking definitely doesn't help. Do you find your anxiety is worse when you're sat with not a lot to do? That's when mines at its worse! Best thing to do is think of the symptoms you're having, like I often feel my throat is closing up on me, so I sit, breathe, drink some water, check my throat in the mirror.. No swelling, I can breathe and drink without difficulty.. My throat is fine!

Once you've convinced yourself the symptom is anxiety (not easy, I know! Takes a good hour / hours sometimes!) and you feel slightly more relaxed, try doing something to take your mind off it, even if its just going for a quick jog or catching up with something on the tv!

Also, you're NOT going mad.. Anxiety does crazy things to people and yes it's good to know you're not the only one ay haha :)

07-01-2013, 05:16 PM
Yes ! It's weird I used to do so much, skateboard, free running a little bit of mma training was in a band, loads, always had some luck with the ladies, I'm just so shocked at what's happened, and yes I'm trying to get out more,preoccupy myself and things