View Full Version : Running out of ideas.

06-30-2013, 01:31 PM
Hello everyone. I am a 26 year old stay at home wife and have been married to a great man for 3 years now. I very much love my life except for the fact that I am not working currently. This is something that will be changing very shortly. I try to remain optimistic despite harsh situations and at times it even annoys me that I am that way. :)
Nobody really realizes the things that float through my head and the intense level of anxiety/panic attacks that I experience on basically a day to day basis. I find myself hoping every night before I go to sleep that the next day will bring a day free of panic attacks. This rarely happens.

When I was a child I had some tramatic events happen to me that at the time I guess I brushed aside and ignored. It feels like one thing set it all off and from there I started a downward spiral. I've never been a trouble maker and have always tried to do the right thing in my life. I try to correct any mistakes that I make as soon as possible. I'm too caring at times and I love too much. Some say there is no possible way to love too much, but when you love so much that it hurts emotionally then I believe something needs to change. These are just a few very random things about me. :)

I have tried medications for anxiety/depression and none that I have tried have been of much assistance even with personal changes that I have made to help the medication work. So, currently I am off of all medication and trying to cope with panic attacks without taking anything for them. This is seeming to be impossible lately as I have made a very recent trip to the ER because I thought that I was having a heart attack. I just want to find people that have to deal with the same thing that I do...so I can realize that I am not alone or just crazy. There really is something wrong with me and that is anxiety. More people need to realize that this is an actual thing and not something made up or something that can be controlled very easily.

:) Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know that my thoughts were all over the place, but I've never really been open with many people about my panic besides family and my husband.

06-30-2013, 01:48 PM
Hello everyone. I am a 26 year old stay at home wife and have been married to a great man for 3 years now. I very much love my life except for the fact that I am not working currently. This is something that will be changing very shortly. I try to remain optimistic despite harsh situations and at times it even annoys me that I am that way. :)
Nobody really realizes the things that float through my head and the intense level of anxiety/panic attacks that I experience on basically a day to day basis. I find myself hoping every night before I go to sleep that the next day will bring a day free of panic attacks. This rarely happens.

When I was a child I had some tramatic events happen to me that at the time I guess I brushed aside and ignored. It feels like one thing set it all off and from there I started a downward spiral. I've never been a trouble maker and have always tried to do the right thing in my life. I try to correct any mistakes that I make as soon as possible. I'm too caring at times and I love too much. Some say there is no possible way to love too much, but when you love so much that it hurts emotionally then I believe something needs to change. These are just a few very random things about me. :)

I have tried medications for anxiety/depression and none that I have tried have been of much assistance even with personal changes that I have made to help the medication work. So, currently I am off of all medication and trying to cope with panic attacks without taking anything for them. This is seeming to be impossible lately as I have made a very recent trip to the ER because I thought that I was having a heart attack. I just want to find people that have to deal with the same thing that I do...so I can realize that I am not alone or just crazy. There really is something wrong with me and that is anxiety. More people need to realize that this is an actual thing and not something made up or something that can be controlled very easily.

:) Thank you for taking the time to read this. I know that my thoughts were all over the place, but I've never really been open with many people about my panic besides family and my husband.

Hello there I'm Emma and I've had panic attacks and anxiety for years on and off so I know how you feel,your not going mad so stop thinking that,everyone is so nice and helpful on here and please remember we are all in the same boat :)

06-30-2013, 02:42 PM
Well it is tuff beating anxiety naturally. And at the same time the most beneficial way! Have you had other things check out as well? Such as food allergies, do you use sugar, drink coffee, eat chocolate , drink soda? All that should go! Sounds like you have done some coping skills? But an anxiety attack caused you to go to the ER. have you learned breathing techniques to relax? Have you tried meditation? Have you tried exposure to your fears, or triggers? Have you tried CBT. Have you tried natural supplements? Such as amino acids, magnesium , ect... .
perhaps you can find someone in your area to get you started on the proper supplements for anxiety.

Lots of luck.


06-30-2013, 10:07 PM

I've found for me the best way for me to deal with anxiety is naturally. It was hard at first but i learned to cope and im learning to eliminate it all now. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Once i understood what anxiety was, and figured out it couldn't hurt me, I was relieved. Breathing with your stomach is a great way to cope. Also i count down from 21 and challenge my anxiety to do something. I cll it out and say you have 21 seconds of my time and thats it. That really works for me the best and gives me a slight confidence boost Los.