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06-30-2013, 08:39 AM
Do you feel like sometimes people just dont get it ? Fed up of being told its all in my head !

06-30-2013, 10:18 AM
All the time!!! My whole family 2 sisters and a brother I'm the youngest at 28 all do their own thing work a million hours a week and sometimes I just want to be left alone or have to leave work, and all I get is its all in your head, don't think about it etc and it kills me bc my symptoms are exactly like a heart attack I would like them to see how it feels and know you can't control it:( I feel your pain

06-30-2013, 11:07 AM
All the time!!! My whole family 2 sisters and a brother I'm the youngest at 28 all do their own thing work a million hours a week and sometimes I just want to be left alone or he to leave work, and all I get is its all in your head, don't think about it etc and it kills me bc my symptoms are exactly like a heart attack I would like them to see how it feels and know you can't control it:( I feel your pain

Its horrible .. my fear of heart attack has gone now .. but I have a new fear which is DVT :( because my legs r hurting for the last week :( .. I guess we have this website where people understand but it would be nice to feel support . I know anxiety can be tiring for everyone even people around us but they aint the ones going through it xx

06-30-2013, 11:09 AM
I don't think anyone gets it when they don't have anxiety or panic attacks,I would not wish it on no one

06-30-2013, 11:14 AM
People are like, what's wrong now! And your like whatever. They think its not real! Make me upset

06-30-2013, 11:27 AM
Yes! My husband is supportive to a degree.. he can't take much more of it at the moment. He's been lashing out at me and acting completely miserable, and i can't help but feel like I'm ruining his life. It's awful. I feel like a huge burden and like I'm holding him back at the moment, and feeling that way is not helping my anxiety. Our relationship has not been good the past few months and I hate it. I wish there was a switch and I could just turn it off but this anxiety bullshit doesn't work that way! I'm constantly struggling with convincing myself its anxiety, and that there isn't something wrong with my health. I hate this.

06-30-2013, 11:28 AM
People are like, what's wrong now! And your like whatever. They think its not real! Make me upset

Oh I know what you mean,I think to myself you really think I'm making this up

06-30-2013, 11:37 AM
Oy, yes. This is very new to me but I know my husband thinks it's bogus. His lack of support says so. :(

06-30-2013, 11:42 AM
If they had it for one week they would know how hard it can be at times

06-30-2013, 11:45 AM
I don't think anyone gets it when they don't have anxiety or panic attacks,I would not wish it on no one

I wouldny wish it on noone either its horrible

06-30-2013, 11:45 AM
People are like, what's wrong now! And your like whatever. They think its not real! Make me upset

Yeah thats exactly the same for me . I told my mum I werent feeling well.and she turned around and said its all in ypur head and sometimes she screams at me x

06-30-2013, 11:46 AM
Me too on convincing myself its anxiety and not a serious illness causing it. I've only had one blood test at the hospital. All was good, but it was a mediocre at best test. I need to get a full test, and I've been putting it off!my doctor is pretty sure it's anxiety, cause what I do for a living, I couldn't with a bad heart. Keep trying is all we can do :-)

06-30-2013, 11:47 AM
Yes! My husband is supportive to a degree.. he can't take much more of it at the moment. He's been lashing out at me and acting completely miserable, and i can't help but feel like I'm ruining his life. It's awful. I feel like a huge burden and like I'm holding him back at the moment, and feeling that way is not helping my anxiety. Our relationship has not been good the past few months and I hate it. I wish there was a switch and I could just turn it off but this anxiety bullshit doesn't work that way! I'm constantly struggling with convincing myself its anxiety, and that there isn't something wrong with my health. I hate this.

Thats so sad to hear . :( I feel like im.dragging people.down too .. but im determined to not let anxiety bring me down xxx hope you work things out

06-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Oy, yes. This is very new to me but I know my husband thinks it's bogus. His lack of support says so. :(

My mums the same she was supportive for like a week.now she doesnt bother and everyday I think am I going to die today .. but I know I shouldnt carey on questionning my life I shpuld just spend time enjoying it xx

06-30-2013, 11:48 AM
Yeah thats exactly the same for me . I told my mum I werent feeling well.and she turned around and said its all in ypur head and sometimes she screams at me x

It's like they forget you have it. I say do some research!? and it still don't help!

06-30-2013, 11:51 AM
Me too on convincing myself its anxiety and not a serious illness causing it. I've only had one blood test at the hospital. All was good, but it was a mediocre at best test. I need to get a full test, and I've been putting it off!my doctor is pretty sure it's anxiety, cause what I do for a living, I couldn't with a bad heart. Keep trying is all we can do :-)

Ive had loads of ecgs and blood tests all.come.back normal but its just so annoying because the dr said they cant diagnose me.with anxiety until everything has been ruled out I have one more test which is an 24 hour ecg but im on the waiting list for 7 months . Which personally I think thats a long time to wait xx yeah I guess we cant go on questionning our lifes we should just enjoy living it xx

06-30-2013, 11:53 AM
It's like they forget you have it. I say do some research!? and it still don't help!

I always research its all I ever do ... but lately ive stopped and tried to convince myself its anxiety so I stay off the websites I only come on here when I need to let things out xx it seems to help x

06-30-2013, 12:03 PM
I always research its all I ever do ... but lately ive stopped and tried to convince myself its anxiety so I stay off the websites I only come on here when I need to let things out xx it seems to help x

Oops I meant that the non believers, family members, friends,I tell
Them to research :-) sorry . Best Wishes to you

06-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Ive had loads of ecgs and blood tests all.come.back normal but its just so annoying because the dr said they cant diagnose me.with anxiety until everything has been ruled out I have one more test which is an 24 hour ecg but im on the waiting list for 7 months . Which personally I think thats a long time to wait xx yeah I guess we cant go on questionning our lifes we should just enjoy living it xx

That is a long weight, goodness...

06-30-2013, 12:14 PM
That is a long weight, goodness...

*wait lol and I agree

06-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Its horrible .. my fear of heart attack has gone now .. but I have a new fear which is DVT :( because my legs r hurting for the last week :( .. I guess we have this website where people understand but it would be nice to feel support . I know anxiety can be tiring for everyone even people around us but they aint the ones going through it xx

Trust me I create new fears all the time my attacks just started 5 years ago out of no where and I ended up in the Er several times bc I thought it was a heart attack! But when they Finally kept me over night to monitor my heart rate and do tests and said everything Is good we don't know what is wrong is what really freaked me out until a female doctor studying over here from Italy talked to me and figured it out and we went from there they have gotten better but I still create new fears all the time

06-30-2013, 04:58 PM
If they had it for one week they would know how hard it can be at times

Ha, with the way I've been feeling if he had it for an HOUR, he'd get it.