View Full Version : False hope:(

06-30-2013, 08:33 AM
Just as I thought I was turning a permanent corner I'm back to square one again? Why??? This time last week I was a different person, now I'm so bad again it's so hard to fight this and I just don't know how to, I'm drugged up with Valium today on top off the seroquel and escitalopram:( I can barely do anything, I'm so down I just can't cope:(

06-30-2013, 08:35 AM
Just as I thought I was turning a permanent corner I'm back to square one again? Why??? This time last week I was a different person, now I'm so bad again it's so hard to fight this and I just don't know how to, I'm drugged up with Valium today on top off the seroquel and escitalopram:( I can barely do anything, I'm so down I just can't cope:(

Keep your chin up ally we all get step backs but just think Tomorow is a new day

06-30-2013, 08:42 AM
That's just it em I can tell that this is here to stay again:( I just don't have the skills to fight it, I just don't know how to? I can barely write this I'm so drugged up, have 3 children to look after esp my 2 year old and I cannot engage I can not play with him or enjoy things as I feel so bad and then I take the Valium and I'm spaced out:( it's horrible, I'm so scared this is it for me, I feel like a zombie, and I've been so sick today the nausea is awful again:(

06-30-2013, 10:26 AM
That's just it em I can tell that this is here to stay again:( I just don't have the skills to fight it, I just don't know how to? I can barely write this I'm so drugged up, have 3 children to look after esp my 2 year old and I cannot engage I can not play with him or enjoy things as I feel so bad and then I take the Valium and I'm spaced out:( it's horrible, I'm so scared this is it for me, I feel like a zombie, and I've been so sick today the nausea is awful again:(

Aww you poor thing,go long have you been on Meds? Is it Heath anxiety that you have ?

06-30-2013, 11:37 AM
I was on citalopram and propranolol for 5 years, mostly the citalopram and I recovered but then last Xmas had this break down and ended up seeing a psychiatrist who changed the citalopram and put me on something else, but then after 3 months it was changed to escitalopram again and I'd been on the Valium too, now they introduced the seroquel as he felt the anti depressant was being resistant? It's the slow release type, I do feel so drowsy all the time tho and he's reluctant to increase it as a result, and that's when the lithium was mentioned:( but it doesn't sound nice, and I had been having some better days which is why this has really upset me again, I just feel so bad again and lost all my appetite again, and just feel so very low, I've had to really take a lot of the Valium today and its just made me like a zombie, I'm still agitated? they said recovery is up and down but I should see some more up days? so why has this happened after I was doing? x

06-30-2013, 11:46 AM
Belive me I know how you feel,I was doing so well and was on nothing for such a long time,(as I can cope without Meds) but this time was bad and that's why I've had to go on something,I think it's out body's saying we need alittle help sometimes,don't be Down that you have taken a step back and that step forwards again will
Soon be back

06-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Thanks em, I'm struggling so much and just can't find a way of coping and the symptoms are so bad it's making me feel so much worse, I've got terrible nausea again which then makes me not able to eat, I'm crying so much and the Valium has just made me feel drowsy but not really settled and calm because I still feel so agitated and shaky:(? I know I'm addicted to this stuff and each dr I see says conflicting things about it:( doesn't help me at all, I'm constantly checking myself and thinking the worse, and I'm convinced the meds are making me worse and not helping, but then last week I was so much better it doesn't make sense? I love my kids so much but can't enjoy things when I'm like this:( x

06-30-2013, 12:08 PM
Thanks em, I'm struggling so much and just can't find a way of coping and the symptoms are so bad it's making me feel so much worse, I've got terrible nausea again which then makes me not able to eat, I'm crying so much and the Valium has just made me feel drowsy but not really settled and calm because I still feel so agitated and shaky:(? I know I'm addicted to this stuff and each dr I see says conflicting things about it:( doesn't help me at all, I'm constantly checking myself and thinking the worse, and I'm convinced the meds are making me worse and not helping, but then last week I was so much better it doesn't make sense? I love my kids so much but can't enjoy things when I'm like this:( x

Have you given Zoloft a go? It's really good

06-30-2013, 12:19 PM
No it's not been suggested and I think he will want me on this:( I think it's the same type of anti depressant as the escitalopram? as in an Ssri?

06-30-2013, 12:40 PM
No it's not been suggested and I think he will want me on this:( I think it's the same type of anti depressant as the escitalopram? as in an Ssri?

Yes it is a ssri but the good thing is that there's allways so many more Meds you can try if this one don't do anything for you,never lose hope you will get better

06-30-2013, 01:09 PM
I've tried a few em:( then this thing called lithium was suggested as I was showing resistance:( but it just sounds horrible and scary:( and because I was showing some improvement I thought id stay as I am but this has happened? Is this normal I was a different person last week? now I'm a wreck and can't cope, the symptoms are really severe too no matter what I try I can't relax and the suggestion of the care worker to say "stop" if I do get the symptoms simply just does not work at all:( they are too severe, something she just didn't understand when I spoke about them? she saw me last week and thought I'd improved even from the previous week? Which I had, but now I'm back to all this?

06-30-2013, 01:43 PM
I think see how you go untill you next see her and then see what she says,they won't put you on something that's not going to work for you,do fingers crossed it does

06-30-2013, 04:59 PM
Just as I thought I was turning a permanent corner I'm back to square one again? Why??? This time last week I was a different person, now I'm so bad again it's so hard to fight this and I just don't know how to, I'm drugged up with Valium today on top off the seroquel and escitalopram:( I can barely do anything, I'm so down I just can't cope:(

Hi Ally,
I hope you are feeling better. I too am going through the same predicament. I found that most of the time I am fine but certain events in my life are my triggers and then I can go for weeks feeling dizzy and nauseous, I feel like I'm not with it. I can't get out of bed and I feel constantly panicky. I have a three month old son and I feel I can't look after him as I am too sick with this anxiety. I am in the process of getting help. I have experienced this on and off since I was 5 years old and now I'm 29. I constantly live my life in fear and fear getting I'll. Do you know your triggers that set off the anxiety? What do you keep telling yourself? Have you considered therapy. I have found therapy worked for me in the past.

07-01-2013, 04:19 AM
Hi Ally,
I hope you are feeling better. I too am going through the same predicament. I found that most of the time I am fine but certain events in my life are my triggers and then I can go for weeks feeling dizzy and nauseous, I feel like I'm not with it. I can't get out of bed and I feel constantly panicky. I have a three month old son and I feel I can't look after him as I am too sick with this anxiety. I am in the process of getting help. I have experienced this on and off since I was 5 years old and now I'm 29. I constantly live my life in fear and fear getting I'll. Do you know your triggers that set off the anxiety? What do you keep telling yourself? Have you considered therapy. I have found therapy worked for me in the past.

I to have had this for over 20 year on and off I have two children and I'm 38,are you on anything to help?

07-01-2013, 06:39 AM
Hi there is little help for me, cbt but I'm no where near on the top of the waiting list, I've arranged my own lady from mind but she's busy so it's not always possible to see her:( I'm really struggling again after being so much better? I'm blaming the meds now and Im panicking so much, I'm never going to be free of this, I'm crying all the time now and can't face food or going out, I rang mental health nurse but it was useless, she just told me to relax! I'm so agitated I can't, and drugged up so you'd think I could rest but again I can't? I was doing well I thought, god knows what's triggered this, my family life isn't great either, I'm so lonely

07-01-2013, 06:57 AM
Hi there is little help for me, cbt but I'm no where near on the top of the waiting list, I've arranged my own lady from mind but she's busy so it's not always possible to see her:( I'm really struggling again after being so much better? I'm blaming the meds now and Im panicking so much, I'm never going to be free of this, I'm crying all the time now and can't face food or going out, I rang mental health nurse but it was useless, she just told me to relax! I'm so agitated I can't, and drugged up so you'd think I could rest but again I can't? I was doing well I thought, god knows what's triggered this, my family life isn't great either, I'm so lonely

Hello ally your not alone,all of us here go through this,I've been thought this time after time after time and I allways come back fighting and you will to,how long do you have to wait to see a therapist ? How long is the waiting list? Are you in the uk ?

07-01-2013, 07:06 AM
Yes I'm in the uk, where are you? I was told 12 weeks for cbt but its been 7 months! And only 4 therapists in the county doing it, the mental health team won't give me psychology therapy, say I need to be better to start it? I find it so ridiculous because I need to find the route cause surely so I can help things? All they do is offer drugs? So conflicting there advice, and I'm so low and feel drugged, how do I help myself I'm just too agitated and the symptoms won't go?

07-01-2013, 07:13 AM
Yes I'm in the uk, where are you? I was told 12 weeks for cbt but its been 7 months! And only 4 therapists in the county doing it, the mental health team won't give me psychology therapy, say I need to be better to start it? I find it so ridiculous because I need to find the route cause surely so I can help things? All they do is offer drugs? So conflicting there advice, and I'm so low and feel drugged, how do I help myself I'm just too agitated and the symptoms won't go?

Yes I'm in London,what part are you? My doctor has not long put me in for the therapy and it's only taken three weeks for the booking to come and I go next week,I don't know why your having to wait so long?

07-01-2013, 07:41 AM
I was put in at Xmas I'm in Shropshire a town called Wem, the service here is awful, they say they want you stable first but are told about 12 weeks! It's not tho, what type of therapy are you having? I feel so bad I don't know what to do? No one helps:( shame we don't live nearer I'm so lonely, it's worrying me my mood being this low, I'm 42 and then I start looking at maybe my hormones are playing up? dr dismisses this tho?

07-01-2013, 07:50 AM
I was put in at Xmas I'm in Shropshire a town called Wem, the service here is awful, they say they want you stable first but are told about 12 weeks! It's not tho, what type of therapy are you having? I feel so bad I don't know what to do? No one helps:( shame we don't live nearer I'm so lonely, it's worrying me my mood being this low, I'm 42 and then I start looking at maybe my hormones are playing up? dr dismisses this tho?

You do could be going through the change,I asked my doctor that as I was getting hot Lot and I said but I'm to young and she said no your not I've had someone younger than me go through there's,I am 38,you can have a blood test for it