View Full Version : I feel like im losing it!!!!

06-29-2013, 02:12 PM
My anxiety has been through the roof lately and I feel like im going crazy!!! Im having heart palpitations which I never had before and went to the hospital thinking i was having a panic attack but of course everything is normal...why is it that anxiety affects the left side of the body? I get the tingling and sometimes the numbness on my left arm and face so then I get more anxiety thinking im going to have a heart attack or a stroke or annyorisum...im driving myself crazy! I can't keep going to the hospital they probably try to send me to a mental hospital instead :/ please help!!

06-29-2013, 02:22 PM
My anxiety has been through the roof lately and I feel like im going crazy!!! Im having heart palpitations which I never had before and went to the hospital thinking i was having a panic attack but of course everything is normal...why is it that anxiety affects the left side of the body? I get the tingling and sometimes the numbness on my left arm and face so then I get more anxiety thinking im going to have a heart attack or a stroke or annyorisum...im driving myself crazy! I can't keep going to the hospital they probably try to send me to a mental hospital instead :/ please help!!

Hello :) this is all Perfectly normal when you have anxiety/panic attacks I've had so many Heart palpitations myself and the numbness and Tingling, pins and needles,you name it ive had it lol

06-29-2013, 05:17 PM
Thank you...it does ease the anxiety some knowing there are other people going through the same thing...I just hate that I feeling that something is going to happen to me...I just wish the anxiety would just go away! I have been dealing with it for about maybe 10yrs and I had it under control but I recently got out of a bad relationship and it started up again so now I feel like im starting all over again but it's worse the second time around :/

06-29-2013, 05:31 PM
Thank you...it does ease the anxiety some knowing there are other people going through the same thing...I just hate that I feeling that something is going to happen to me...I just wish the anxiety would just go away! I have been dealing with it for about maybe 10yrs and I had it under control but I recently got out of a bad relationship and it started up again so now I feel like im starting all over again but it's worse the second time around :/

Yes mine has done the same I've had it for 21 years on and off now,tho most of the time I'm
Fine but it just kicks up from time
To time and I think oh off we go again