View Full Version : Freaking out.... AC not cooling!

06-28-2013, 05:14 PM
I freak out about money in a big big way. I'm freaking out because the downstairs AC doesn't seem to be cooling. The water in the fishtank is warm ACK. I turned it off for 10 minutes, still not cooling. I don't want to pay a couple hundred to have someone out. I'm freaking out cause my husband will come home and I'm sure be barking at me why didn't I call AC people already. Stress stress stress.....

Oh and I have a freaking UTI! Started last week, drank cranberry and it went away but seemed to come back today. Drinking more cranberry. Don't want to pay the $75 co pay for urgent care.

06-28-2013, 09:50 PM
Lol... My AC isn't working either, it's 101 outside and 90 in my house... Feels nice after a while, like a sweat lodge

06-28-2013, 10:03 PM
Yikes! 90 in your house?! When mines at 79 my heart starts beating fast and I get all flushed. It has to be at 75 for me to feel comfortable.

Healing, you cannot assume your husbands thoughts or reactions. Do what you think is best. I can tell through your last 2 posts and your responses that you are on high anxiety. It seems like most things are adding to it. You must stop reacting, and start responding. Which is to say, let time pass so you can think rationally!

Try and get a good rest.

06-29-2013, 06:00 AM
Well, you're right. I'm scared of my own shadow right now. Funny thing, hubby came home and didn't even notice it was 81 downstairs. But I'm very anxious that after letting the AC sit all night, it's still not working. Money stresses me out greatly. I will spend an hour flipping through my check register (have it going into the future) trying to see what I can pay late to keep the evil red (negative) text away.

Hubby and I had a decent evening just hanging out last night. Polite and friendly. When I gave him a peck goodnight I could just FEEL the "oh I wish you wouldn't kiss me" coming from him. I haven't asked him if he's seeking a divorce but I've been close. I'm afraid if things don't get the slightest bit better ill cave. But hubby and son to on a boys trip Tuesday. If I can home out til then maybe the time apart will do us some good.

Meanwhile I have to pull out a cc and pray the AC doesn't cost too much. Frick.

06-29-2013, 06:01 AM
I don't mind it a bit warmer in the house. Hubby hates it so were usually at 74 when were home. 70 at night. 80 would be ok with me. Saves money. Have I mentioned I have a money obsession?