View Full Version : Getting worse instead of better

06-27-2013, 09:21 PM
My anxiety is getting worse. I am nauseous all the time. Shaky and experiencing vertigo. Have IBS symptoms now from all of my panic attacks. My entire body hurts and I am unable to really eat for fear of my anxiety causing me to vomit. Its because of my job. I am sure of it. I need to quit. I need to get out of there. But I haven't found a new career to replace this one yet. I wish they could understand what they're doing. Not just to me. My coworkers are dropping like flies from the pressure. Suddenly our best isn't good enough. We are responsible for how little our customers spend. Its no longer about making your sales goal for the day because even if we do and our average sale is under $30 we are in trouble. And if we don't make the day but out average sale was over the $30 expectation, we are still in trouble. For something we can't even 100% control. We have to watch our backs. We are scared to go in because what if we don't get enough customers looking to actually spend $30 or more? It is unreal. I cannot control who comes in. I cannot control how much money they have. I cannot control what they like or don't like. I can not force them to fit into the wrong size to make a sale. I can only offer my best customer service and then hope.
Because of the stress, the pressure, the constant negative criticism, my anxiety is relapsing. I can see myself going back to the bottom fast. And that scares me. I don't think I can handle being bed ridden again. Unable to eat whatsoever. No energy to move.
None of my remedies are working though. Bejeweled usually calms me because its so repetitive. R/aww with all the cute animals used to help me relax. Hot baths used to soothe my aches and upset stomach. Nothing is calming me down. Even my klonopin is barely effective. How can I make this stop?

06-27-2013, 09:30 PM
I just went through this too. I too have a horribly stressful job and cant afford to let it go yet either. I will say this. I too just felt like it was hopeless because everything that helped me last time I went through this is not helping this time. I have been through hell for two weeks but eventually your body does take control back of your body and realize that you are no longer in high anxiety mode. I am feeling a lot better now but mornings kick my booty. I know its because I have to go to work, ugh! Underappreciated at times. Negative comments a lot. You will get through. I finally started talking to myself in my head saying you are stronger than this crap and I am not letting you rule my life. I could not do this a week ago but now I can. It will get better for you I promise. You beat it once you will beat it again.

06-27-2013, 09:36 PM
I really hope so. I feel so exhausted and useless right now

06-27-2013, 10:01 PM
It will pass eventually. It's done this a million times for me. Anxiety is like roller coaster. While you're anxious try and find new ways to cope and see what does and doesn't work so that you come out the anxiety slump smarter than before.

06-27-2013, 10:10 PM
Last time things that helped me get passed my anxiety were music, hot baths, reading, talking positive to myself and I could not watch or hear any negative news, tv, or radio. I even switched my home page to Google just to avoid the news on my original home page that automatically appeared as soon as I loaded my browser. This time Music annoys the crap out of me and I found myself sitting on the couch in complete silence. Driving to work without a noise at all. Baths made me hot and worse. Reading was not an option because I could not concentrate. I stayed exhausted and I wanted it to go away so bad that I was ok with just sleeping but then that caused me to not sleep at night so that was not an option. FINALLY, I started reading that program Panic Away. Although I will say I don't really see how it can help but it kind of got my mind on researching this crap and I felt I was trying to heal myself and I guess I calmed down enough to start getting better. It is so hard I know but MAKE yourself do something to stay busy and trust me it is very hard but clean or organize something in your house or paint a room that may be needing it. Do it good and I swear your anxiety will ease up when you get your nervous system to calm back down.

06-27-2013, 11:19 PM
Thanks for all your support. I did infact make the mistake of sleeping all day so now I'm up all night. Can only stand to watch the disney channel. Drank chamomile tea and tried some breathing exercises. Starting to feel sleepy again. Just hoping I wake up calm and rested tomorrow now. I haven't been this bad in a long time. These last two weeks have been torture. Im gonna try talking positive to myself tomorrow