View Full Version : Grrreeaaaat...

06-27-2013, 04:09 PM
My co-worker's wife just passed away of something really sudden...a brain aneurism or something. I was doing so good! I'm really upset for him, but...NOT what I needed for my health anxiety, to hear all my co-workers chattering around about how doctor's don't ever tell you it could be something more serious and always assume it's something simple first and then look...blah blah blah. Now here I am sitting at my desk with things I need to do and unable to concentrate, getting hot flashes and dizzy spells and feeling all kinds of pressure in my head. O_O Not the way I had hoped to end my afternoon.

06-27-2013, 05:25 PM
How old was she?!! I hate when that happens! It's a viscous cycle!!

06-27-2013, 05:27 PM
I'm not the best person to offer advice, but just remember to breathe. Your co-workers are being gossipy. Ignore them. Do you have headphones? Are you able to put on some music to tune them out? Remember, deep breaths.

06-27-2013, 06:00 PM
She was young-ish, as far as I know...I mean not my age (26) or anything, but maybe in her 40's or 50's...? I can't stand when my coworkers gossip like that, which they do all the time...it's one of several reasons why I tend to avoid them as much as possible. I'm like, I feel bad and it's a very sad thing, but I don't want to talk about it all afternoon or have to listen to you all talk about it all afternoon, and include me in group e-mail's gossiping about it!! GEEZ! The music is a great suggestion...I'm going to start bringing some with me so if something like that happens again I can just tune them out, like you said. Phew. My job tends to be stressful enough without gossip in my ear all day long, especially about scary health related things...I already create enough of my own anxiety about that! At any rate, thank you so much for the responses!

06-27-2013, 07:15 PM
Hey str8.

Sorry you had a shitty day! Tragedy happens everyday to people! But you can't let it effect you! Everyone has there own history, you just stay on your health path, and you will be ok!

06-28-2013, 10:01 AM
Thank you so much for the positive support, D! I struggle because I tend to be a really sensitive person when it comes to other people hurting or going through tough times. I've always been the "sane, strong, normal" one throughout my life that people come to for support, and for once in my life I am the one needing the support and don't have a lot of energy to provide it right now. I give a lot all the time and always have and right now I just need some time and space to give back to myself, which is a hard thing to explain to people at work who don't really know me...but all I wanted to say yesterday was to please just leave me alone...except that I don't want to come across as insensitive, especially since I already have issues with my co-workers (not bad issues, I just don't feel like I fit in, I guess).

06-28-2013, 10:08 AM
Str8....I am the same way....if I hear, read, or see anything where someone has passed (especially if they are younger), I start to fret that I have the same ailment that they died from. Dcoito is right though, tragedy happens to everyone and we cannot control it. I keep telling myself I cannot let it steal my joy now and to cherish the time I have. I know it's been said a million times before, but we have to just stop and remind ourselves we are being irrational and it is just the anxiety talking.
I have to say it has worked for me when I remember to use it.