View Full Version : Panic attack starting

06-26-2013, 10:19 PM
I haven't had a panic attack in weeks. And right now I feel like I'm about to go crazy.

I'm leaving for out of town tomorrow. Which I didn't think I was all that upset about. But today I've been having palpitations, my head has pressure right now, my stomach is upset, I have some serious burp gas going on out of no where, and I just feel shaky and like doom is coming.

I take Lexapro and normally it works wonders for me. But today this seems strong. I keep telling myself its just my anxiety about going out of town. It's about a 5 hour car ride, going to a family reunion for my fiancé to meet about 100 people I've never met. That wouldn't normally bother me, but it's for 4 days. And it's going to be hot outside and I have a serious health anxiety and know I'll be physically active in the heat the entire time. I mean I know what's happening, so why am I so upset over this??

Trying to pull it together here so I can finish packing, but having a hard time. :(

06-27-2013, 02:04 AM
It's because you won't be at home, being able to do the things you do to relax yourself. I felt that way last week going to the beach, I had panic attacks starting out on the trip, but as the day went on, they gradually went away cause I got more and more tired. You just have to deal with the change of setting for a while and do things to relax yourself on the trip, like nice baths, drink lots of water.