View Full Version : Hi everyone!

06-26-2013, 09:52 AM
Hi everyone I'm a new member, 21 year old female who is very confused and concerned about if what I am suffering with is actually anxiety. Haven't been able to seem to find anyone to speak to with about the problems and symptoms I'm having so thought this would be a great place to meet and talk to others going through this.

I have posted already but as I said am new so don't know if I've done it right! Hope everyone is ok x

06-26-2013, 09:55 AM
Hello there and welcome to the forum :) what Symptoms are you having?

06-26-2013, 10:03 AM
Welcome! I'm pretty new here too...this is an excellent place for support! I know I've found it extremely helpful...just realizing that other people are going through the same things you are is incredibly reassuring! Second Em's question...what symptoms are you having?

06-26-2013, 10:14 AM
Also.. Mouth has come up in ulcers!! Surly this isn't all anxiety ?? Please help :( x

06-26-2013, 10:17 AM
Did my last message come up? It was really long but I can't see it. Sorry, new to site finding it but tricky xx

06-26-2013, 10:17 AM
I found this list when I was first experiencing anxiety and it was helpful to me in realizing how much of what I was going through could be related back to anxiety. Check it out...it's kind of ridiculous how long it is!


06-26-2013, 10:18 AM
Did my last message come up? It was really long but I can't see it. Sorry, new to site finding it but tricky xx

No, it didn't.

06-26-2013, 10:27 AM
It won't let me post its saying it needs to be checked? Yet it's letting me send these short messages??

06-26-2013, 10:35 AM
It did that to me the first time I tried to post something long, too.

06-26-2013, 10:39 AM
Did it come up later? I've posted it about 15 times .. Oops x

06-26-2013, 10:40 AM
No, it never showed up. :|

06-26-2013, 10:43 AM
Oh? Ok ill do it all in little steps.. Sorry it's gonna take a while!!

06-26-2013, 10:44 AM
Up untill about 8 months ago I was a really happy normal girl, loved working and socialising etc.. Then

06-26-2013, 10:44 AM
it all changed when I noticed these white patches on my skin. Went gp, he assured me it was nothing to worry about, just a fungal infection from tanning salons and prescribed some anti dandruff shampoo.

06-26-2013, 10:46 AM
The patches didnt get better though and began to spread. Once that started I noticed all these other health problems.. Palpitations, shortness of breath, lesions on skin. So went back to gp, had blood tests, skin checked, ECG.. All normal. But it was like I couldn't accept it?

06-26-2013, 10:47 AM
Since my skin wasn't improving I googled the infection and found people with cancer and those with HIV were at higher risk because of a weakened immune system. This scared me. Since then any ache or pain I get I think I'm dying. I've so far self diagnosed myself with HIV, lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, brain tumour, diabetes, MS.. Just to name a few.

06-26-2013, 10:48 AM
I stopped using tanning salons and won't go in the sun.. Had all my moles checked twice.

06-26-2013, 10:49 AM
Recently I've found I had an awful pain in my left shoulder blade also causing pins and needles. This spread to my left leg.. Causing my leg to feel heavy and dead. Went A&E as thought was a stroke, nothing. pain

06-26-2013, 10:50 AM
and pins and needles never went so Went GP, he be told me nothing to worry about and gave me anti inflams and has arranged for me to see a physio. My throats been feeling closed and tight so I asked him and he checked and said all normal.

06-26-2013, 10:51 AM
My whole body hurts like my collarbones, legs, back, neck.. All of me. I can't sleep properly or eat properly. I keep breaking into sweats. My paranoia has hit the roof like I have to check my front door at least 4 times to make sure it's locked before I can leave and I even unplug my straighteners with me because I'm scared even if they're off they could overheat and catch the house alight! I keep randomly crying

06-26-2013, 10:51 AM
Okay, well first of all, think about it logically...how realistic of a possibility is it that you have HIV, lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, a brain tumor, diabetes, MS...and all the other unnamed things? Not very. And how likely is it that you have any of them? Probably still not very. If it is something entirely physical, more likely than not it is simple and treatable not not life threatening. The number one thing I can say is DON'T GOOGLE! It's a huge mistake. A lot of us here are guilty of it, but I've learned the hard way that it is just about the worst idea there is. It just fuels the fire. A lot of your symptoms definitely sound anxiety related. Check out that link that I posted...it's a pretty comprehensive list of things you can experience with anxiety, and a lot of what you mention is on there!

06-26-2013, 10:52 AM
If someone doesn't text me back I panic that they're dead or they hate me. I feel scared to be alone but also want to be on my own? I feel so lost and confused.

Could this really be anxiety? It seems to have come out or nowhere and it's ruining my life and relationships! Or is it an underlying illness causing all this?? I don't know what todo or think. ;(

06-26-2013, 10:53 AM
I found this list when I was first experiencing anxiety and it was helpful to me in realizing how much of what I was going through could be related back to anxiety. Check it out...it's kind of ridiculous how long it is!


Wow that's some list lol

06-26-2013, 10:57 AM
Wow that's some list lol

It really is! What's even scarier is when you can mark off having experienced nearly everything on it! LOL.

06-26-2013, 10:58 AM
Okay, well first of all, think about it logically...how realistic of a possibility is it that you have HIV, lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, a brain tumor, diabetes, MS...and all the other unnamed things? Not very. And how likely is it that you have any of them? Probably still not very. If it is something entirely physical, more likely than not it is simple and treatable not not life threatening. The number one thing I can say is DON'T GOOGLE! It's a huge mistake. A lot of us here are guilty of it, but I've learned the hard way that it is just about the worst idea there is. It just fuels the fire. A lot of your symptoms definitely sound anxiety related. Check out that link that I posted...it's a pretty comprehensive list of things you can experience with anxiety, and a lot of what you mention is on there!

I know it's ridiculously unlikely , I just am convinced I'm dying and no one believes me? It's ruining my relationships, my boyfriend is suffering the most because I'm extremely difficult to deal with right now . I just didn't realise anxiety could come on at such a quick period (8 months). I've only just been able to admit that perhaps it is anxiety.. Did you have trouble admitting it could be down to that as well?

06-26-2013, 11:05 AM
I know it's ridiculously unlikely , I just am convinced I'm dying and no one believes me? It's ruining my relationships, my boyfriend is suffering the most because I'm extremely difficult to deal with right now . I just didn't realise anxiety could come on at such a quick period (8 months). I've only just been able to admit that perhaps it is anxiety.. Did you have trouble admitting it could be down to that as well?

I think most people here could say that they've gone through not believing anxiety could cause so many of the things they were going through. It certainly doesn't feel like that's all it is. For me, it just came down to reassuring myself by taking the proper steps to rule out other things...if you've been to the doctor and everything is coming back clear, then most likely it is and what you're experiencing is anxiety. I have had general anxiety, all though undiagnosed, my entire life...but I'm pretty sure it's been there...but the severe anxiety and panic attacks I've experienced came on very suddenly. Things were fine one second and not so much the next, so it can definitely happen over a short period of time.

06-26-2013, 11:09 AM
I think most people here could say that they've gone through not believing anxiety could cause so many of the things they were going through. It certainly doesn't feel like that's all it is. For me, it just came down to reassuring myself by taking the proper steps to rule out other things...if you've been to the doctor and everything is coming back clear, then most likely it is and what you're experiencing is anxiety. I have had general anxiety, all though undiagnosed, my entire life...but I'm pretty sure it's been there...but the severe anxiety and panic attacks I've experienced came on very suddenly. Things were fine one second and not so much the next, so it can definitely happen over a short period of time.

It's just so difficult because I've become a different person in the last 8 months like I'm completely unrecognisable. It's literally ruining my life. I'm going for a few more blood tests to be 100% and if they're all clear and it really is just anxiety then I think ill be able to deal with it better because I know for certain. Is there any actual cure for anxiety? Because it that's is what this is then its awful!

06-26-2013, 11:16 AM
I wouldn't say there is a "cure" per say because anxiety is a lot different than, say, having a specific physical ailment...but there are a lot of different ways to cope with anxiety...counseling and therapy, medications, massage and relaxation, breathing exercises, meditation, natural medicine and herbal supplements...the answer is going to be different for everyone. You can find a lot of resources in this forum, and online, for learning how to control your anxiety.

06-26-2013, 11:18 AM
Thank you so much for all your advise :) guess the hardest thing for me has been realising I'm not the strong and confident individual I was last year. It's crazy how much I've changed! Will let you know how other results come back and what action I have taken x

06-26-2013, 11:22 AM
You have anxiety Hun! You had a lot of test done, and DR looked at a lot of things for you! So your healthy! You are just very, very, very stressed out! You need to slow down your thoughts, and you body! Pains, numbness is your body tensing up. Your adrenaline is running ramped through your body! You need to use breathing to calm yourself, and know anxiety is not harmful, yes it feels horrible! But you need to know what it is! DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS! You are just feeding your anxiety by doing so, also when you homp on the sensations your body is feeling, it also fuels the anxiety! And you end up with more symptoms! Vicious circle I know! And when you complete the vicious circle, you end up with a nice panic attack! So see your doctor about anxiety! Look up some relaxing videos on you tube. ( honest guys are good ) and learn some relaxing breathing techniques. Make sure you always breath correctly and you relax your muscles ! Ask yourself right now, what are my shoulders doing? And see how you have them, are they raised up towards your ears! Acknowledge that, and bring them down! Remind yourself not to tense up! That will cause your muscles to become weak, sore, and shaky! The pins, and needles effect is your body not circulating! You need to breath, and feed them oxygen! Relax them! And lightly rotate your feet, and fingers. Imagine the air you breath goes through your body, and right to the tips of your toes! Also know this! Anxiety is treatable, it takes a bit of time, but its not harmful! And you will get better!

06-26-2013, 11:34 AM
You have anxiety Hun! You had a lot of test done, and DR looked at a lot of things for you! So your healthy! You are just very, very, very stressed out! You need to slow down your thoughts, and you body! Pains, numbness is your body tensing up. Your adrenaline is running ramped through your body! You need to use breathing to calm yourself, and know anxiety is not harmful, yes it feels horrible! But you need to know what it is! DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS! You are just feeding your anxiety by doing so, also when you homp on the sensations your body is feeling, it also fuels the anxiety! And you end up with more symptoms! Vicious circle I know! And when you complete the vicious circle, you end up with a nice panic attack! So see your doctor about anxiety! Look up some relaxing videos on you tube. ( honest guys are good ) and learn some relaxing breathing techniques. Make sure you always breath correctly and you relax your muscles ! Ask yourself right now, what are my shoulders doing? And see how you have them, are they raised up towards your ears! Acknowledge that, and bring them down! Remind yourself not to tense up! That will cause your muscles to become weak, sore, and shaky! The pins, and needles effect is your body not circulating! You need to breath, and feed them oxygen! Relax them! And lightly rotate your feet, and fingers. Imagine the air you breath goes through your body, and right to the tips of your toes! Also know this! Anxiety is treatable, it takes a bit of time, but its not harmful! And you will get better!

I know I definitely need to stop googling symptoms, that really is the worst thing that I do! I've noticed that as soon as I start doing it I can't stop and within minutes I've got 4 or 5 life threatening illnesses. Is that how you help your anxiety then? A friend of mine who suffers depression suggested I try laying in a dark room and just laying there concentrating on my breathing! Haha just checked my shoulders.. Yes they were up ! Definitely feeling more like it is anxiety rather than anything else.. Just cannot believe how much it has affected my life!! x

06-26-2013, 11:40 AM
Anxiety affects you WAY more than you think it possibly could. Like Dcoito said, breathing is SO important. I learned this from the person I go to for massage. Focus on your breathing. That's the thing about panic attacks and anxiety...it's full of ****! It makes you think you can't do things that you actually can...like breathing. So the next time you are feeling anxious and like you're having trouble breathing, try focusing on the breathing...slow it down and take relaxed breaths, and you'll realize that you aren't actually having any trouble breathing at all! Talk yourself through it. I talk out loud to myself in the middle of a panic attack or when I feel one coming on. It might be ridiculous, but it helps. You said you used to be a strong and confident person...you still are. Don't let the anxiety tell you otherwise. That person that you think has disappeared is still there, the anxiety just makes it harder to see!

06-26-2013, 11:43 AM
Anxiety affects you WAY more than you think it possibly could. Like Dcoito said, breathing is SO important. I learned this from the person I go to for massage. Focus on your breathing. That's the thing about panic attacks and anxiety...it's full of ****! It makes you think you can't do things that you actually can...like breathing. So the next time you are feeling anxious and like you're having trouble breathing, try focusing on the breathing...slow it down and take relaxed breaths, and you'll realize that you aren't actually having any trouble breathing at all! Talk yourself through it. I talk out loud to myself in the middle of a panic attack or when I feel one coming on. It might be ridiculous, but it helps. You said you used to be a strong and confident person...you still are. Don't let the anxiety tell you otherwise. That person that you think has disappeared is still there, the anxiety just makes it harder to see!

You sound like you know a lot and cope with your anxiety really well! Do you think that technique would work when I was having one of my 'I'm ill' moments? Like telling myself how low the chances are and stuff.. Because I haven't actually tried that? Like people will say it to me but I think I've been so in denial about it being anxiety, because I've changed so much! I hope she is in here somewhere because I'm missing her A LOT!!

06-26-2013, 11:53 AM
Heck yeah, try it. Any time I feel myself going for Google, I have to make a conscious decision to look up something else besides my symptoms, because looking them up really is counterproductive...next time you're feeling something and want to look in up, come to the forum instead, or look up relaxation exercises instead. And when you can't get out of the stuck thought that something is wrong with you, just tell yourself, "Hey, this is just anxiety! I've already had tests X, Y, and Z done and they were all normal!" or whatever you need to tell yourself. My severe anxiety and panic attacks came on very suddenly, like I said, and I was going through a lot of the things you are experiencing...and I think because it happened so suddenly, I really felt like a completely different person all of a sudden, and it's a horrible feeling. But I've been doing everything I can do overcome the anxiety, and I'm starting to feel like myself again, so it can happen! Just don't be too hard on yourself.

06-26-2013, 12:06 PM
Yes it will work, you will still have I am I'll moments for awhile as anxiety is stubborn! And like to taunt you! It's what you do with that thought that matters, do you let it spiral out of control? NO! You tell yourself it's only anxiety, and I am fine! Describe the sensation to yourself! Like ( my head feels heavy, and cloudy! ) sit with it for a couple minutes , but give yourself no negative reaction! Then tell yourself you are fine. Nothing bad is happening! It's just a sensation from anxiety! This will take time! It took time for you to get the symptoms, it will take time to weaken them. But persistence is very effective. LOL I knew your shoulders was up there! That's just a small example! People with anxiety are deep thinkers! We have very strong minds! So with that you just need to reverse your thinking patterns! Not going to happen over night! And you will get symptoms! And some may want to linger, but at some point as we desensitize ourself from the anxiety the better we start to feel! There is also medication out there to help aid you if you need! Talk with your doctor about it! I also want to point out that anxiety, and panic attacks are two different things! A panic attack can only happen when anxiety makes a full circle and causes the panic attack! So pay attention to your thought process! Bad thoughts in, bad thought quickly out!
But the sensations you get with anxiety. You want to except them, but only as a sensation of anxiety, and nothing else! Just let it be there! It will fade as you pay it little attention, and not make it a focal point!

06-26-2013, 12:10 PM
Also! Congrats str8trippin. You do sound soooo much better! Like i always say, know your anxiety in order to defeat it!

06-26-2013, 12:14 PM
Heck yeah, try it. Any time I feel myself going for Google, I have to make a conscious decision to look up something else besides my symptoms, because looking them up really is counterproductive...next time you're feeling something and want to look in up, come to the forum instead, or look up relaxation exercises instead. And when you can't get out of the stuck thought that something is wrong with you, just tell yourself, "Hey, this is just anxiety! I've already had tests X, Y, and Z done and they were all normal!" or whatever you need to tell yourself. My severe anxiety and panic attacks came on very suddenly, like I said, and I was going through a lot of the things you are experiencing...and I think because it happened so suddenly, I really felt like a completely different person all of a sudden, and it's a horrible feeling. But I've been doing everything I can do overcome the anxiety, and I'm starting to feel like myself again, so it can happen! Just don't be too hard on yourself.

Yeah think I will definitely come here instead of google! Even if you google a runny nose it says you're dying,, see even knowing that I STILL go on google for self diagnosis! It's become like an addiction/really bad habit! You seem to have made a huge progress though in that you can now stop and say to yourself it is just anxiety.. How long did it take before you could do that ?

06-26-2013, 12:16 PM
Also! Congrats str8trippin. You do sound soooo much better! Like i always say, know your anxiety in order to defeat it!

Thanks, I feel like I'm getting there!

06-26-2013, 12:18 PM
Yes it will work, you will still have I am I'll moments for awhile as anxiety is stubborn! And like to taunt you! It's what you do with that thought that matters, do you let it spiral out of control? NO! You tell yourself it's only anxiety, and I am fine! Describe the sensation to yourself! Like ( my head feels heavy, and cloudy! ) sit with it for a couple minutes , but give yourself no negative reaction! Then tell yourself you are fine. Nothing bad is happening! It's just a sensation from anxiety! This will take time! It took time for you to get the symptoms, it will take time to weaken them. But persistence is very effective. LOL I knew your shoulders was up there! That's just a small example! People with anxiety are deep thinkers! We have very strong minds! So with that you just need to reverse your thinking patterns! Not going to happen over night! And you will get symptoms! And some may want to linger, but at some point as we desensitize ourself from the anxiety the better we start to feel! There is also medication out there to help aid you if you need! Talk with your doctor about it! I also want to point out that anxiety, and panic attacks are two different things! A panic attack can only happen when anxiety makes a full circle and causes the panic attack! So pay attention to your thought process! Bad thoughts in, bad thought quickly out!
But the sensations you get with anxiety. You want to except them, but only as a sensation of anxiety, and nothing else! Just let it be there! It will fade as you pay it little attention, and not make it a focal point!

That sounds like one of those things that's easier said than done (to tell yourself it really is just anxiety!) thinking about it as well I literally do not sleep.. That's got to be anxiety more than a serious illness, right? I think admitting and confronting anxiety are going to be big challenges for me personally. Medication isn't something I want to do if at all possible, but wouldn't rule anything out! I have an appoinment with my gp again next week so I will definitely speak to him and say I think it is most likely anxiety. Thank you for all your help, you seem like you're coping fantastically! X

06-26-2013, 12:24 PM
Yeah think I will definitely come here instead of google! Even if you google a runny nose it says you're dying,, see even knowing that I STILL go on google for self diagnosis! It's become like an addiction/really bad habit! You seem to have made a huge progress though in that you can now stop and say to yourself it is just anxiety.. How long did it take before you could do that ?

I've always considered myself a really strong person, so I've been dealing with the panic attacks and severe, debilitating anxiety for a few weeks now, and I finally within the last couple of weeks just decided to take the bull by the horns, accept that it's anxiety, and take control back of my life! Once I made the conscious decision to do it, I've found that it's just happening, a little more each day. As far as the Googling...symptoms are the same for just about everything! I stumbled across an article the other day on MSN while I was just browsing the news about ten signs that death is near; out of curiosity, I clicked on it, and they're all things that I've experienced over the last few weeks. I could IMMEDIATELY feel anxiety starting to build while I was reading it, which just goes to show that anxiety is the culprit, and also how ridiculous it is to look up symptoms!

06-26-2013, 12:25 PM
It's just in-bracing the symptoms of anxiety. And knowing what it is, and not making it more then that. And ya it dose take time, but remember. Your mind is strong! And your worth it! And yes anxiety disturbs the sleep of us all! Try some camomile tea an hour before bed, and listen to a guided relaxation video on YouTube

06-26-2013, 12:28 PM
And even after I am done with the video, I continue to breath through the nose softly, and deeply , and concentrate on just your breathing nothing else! Listen to the air pass through your nose. And just drift off!

06-26-2013, 12:31 PM
And even after I am done with the video, I continue to breath through the nose softly, and deeply , and concentrate on just your breathing nothing else! Listen to the air pass through your nose. And just drift off!

Thank you for all the advise! Just so relieved I'm not the only person who feels like this. Thought I was going crazy!! X

06-26-2013, 12:33 PM
I've always considered myself a really strong person, so I've been dealing with the panic attacks and severe, debilitating anxiety for a few weeks now, and I finally within the last couple of weeks just decided to take the bull by the horns, accept that it's anxiety, and take control back of my life! Once I made the conscious decision to do it, I've found that it's just happening, a little more each day. As far as the Googling...symptoms are the same for just about everything! I stumbled across an article the other day on MSN while I was just browsing the news about ten signs that death is near; out of curiosity, I clicked on it, and they're all things that I've experienced over the last few weeks. I could IMMEDIATELY feel anxiety starting to build while I was reading it, which just goes to show that anxiety is the culprit, and also how ridiculous it is to look up symptoms!

Yeah you seem like a strong person and you're doing so well! Symptom checking is definitely the worst idea. Like I'm not tired, haven't had any unexplained weight loss.. Nothing like that which really would indicate a serious illness and deep down I know that so I don't know why I allow myself to go and self diagnose on google! How and when did you make that decision?

06-26-2013, 01:36 PM
Even fatigue and "unexplained" weight loss can be due to anxiety. I lost ten pounds in just under a week because I had no appetite; the anxiety was not only preoccupying me enough not to have the desire to eat, but I was having acid reflux and heartburn as a result and didn't know what to eat because everything seemed to make it flare up, or if I did try and eat I would get full within a few bites. And I wasn't sleeping well on top of it, so I felt tired all the time. In regards to making the decision not to let it control me, I think I just realized I was tired of feeling like crap all the time and that I needed to do whatever I needed to do to get back to feeling like myself...probably within the last two weeks, and now I'm finally starting to see improvements.

06-26-2013, 01:46 PM
Ok I know I said I wouldn't panic but my throats feeling really tight and its hurting again? My knee is genuinely swollen.. (Why I went and got anti inflams) I know it's not a reaction to them making me feel ill. Is anxiety really able to do this? (Especially knee swelling)

06-26-2013, 02:00 PM
Have you ever injured or had problems with you knee in the past? I'm actually going through something similar right now. I've always had some minor issues with my knee, but it had gotten increasingly worse (I think I had injured it without even realizing) and now it's really flaring up. I don't think my knee problem is directly related to my anxiety, but I think my anxiety contributes to it flaring up because of how tense I am all the time. It's amazing how much our mind and body are really connected. You said you've seen a doctor about your knee...have they done anything other than give you the anti-inflammatory medication? Bring it up when you go back...they can do tests to see if you have some kind of injury. I doubt the knee problem is anything serious though, especially not life threatening. Throat tightness can totally be anxiety. When I'm have a panic attack I get like that...I feel like I can't swallow right, or I'm struggling to swallow.

06-26-2013, 02:16 PM
Do you have tendinitis, or bursitis ! What did the doctor tell you when he prescribed anti inflammatory med? And how long have you been taking them? Also try some ice! And relax your entire leg! My tendinitis flared up on me bout 3 weeks ago, I just kept applying ice, and took ibuprofen. It went away! The throat thing is extremely common for anxiety! If you are going to google anything at all just google anxiety symptoms only!

06-26-2013, 03:04 PM
Im unlucky and suffer witb varicose veins, however this is in my other leg. No trauma to the leg. However my grandmother suffered with all sorts of leg problems and was in a wheelchair from a young age (50s). Nope just the anti inflams, that's it. He said if the pins and needles continue to go back in 6 weeks but will bring it up there next week.

06-26-2013, 03:06 PM
He asked me if I had injured it at all, which I said no to. He asked if I had taken anything for it which I had taken ibuprofen, and he asked if I was healthy exercise wise etc but that's it. Got to take them twice daily for two weeks but I'm just concerned. My neck and back pain is also bad but think that is probably due to stress and anxiety.

06-26-2013, 03:11 PM
Concentrate on relaxing those muscles. If you remind yourself often you will probably notice your shoulders crunched up again, it took me days to get it right. LOL. My shoulders, back, and neck was so sore I could hardly stand it! If someone can message you that would help too!

06-26-2013, 03:15 PM
I'm in the same boat, Dcoito...I always crunch up my shoulders and hunch when I'm sitting...no wonder I have a dang stiff neck all the time! Definitely focus on trying to relax your muscles and maintain good posture, etc...the more tense you are the worse those things are going to be.

06-27-2013, 11:19 AM
Ok so you know I've had this bad throat for like 2 weeks, last few days I've noticed this weird ulcerated sore in my mouth and it WON'T heal. Obviously I've convinced myself its mouth cancer. Going out of my mind!!!

06-27-2013, 12:22 PM
Have it checked out! You could be tensing your jaw and tongue, or maybe even biting down on it as you sleep. But if it a sore visible sore. I would have it looked at. Probably just a canker sore. But you might want some medication for it.

06-27-2013, 01:54 PM
Since my skin wasn't improving I googled the infection and found people with cancer and those with HIV were at higher risk because of a weakened immune system. This scared me. Since then any ache or pain I get I think I'm dying. I've so far self diagnosed myself with HIV, lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, brain tumour, diabetes, MS.. Just to name a few.

Reading this part reminded me f my self I've self diagnosed my slf with ever disease there past months and trust emit doesn't help..