View Full Version : Stressful Week

06-26-2013, 08:24 AM
I have a big job interview this afternoon that I feel pretty unprepared for. I need to give a mini-lecture that I've prepared really well but I'm not ready to answer the actual interview questions. I know what to do and I do have time this morning but somehow anxiety and distraction make it a real struggle. (I could have done it all yesterday but I couldn't focus at all. The anxiety somehow triggers my ruminating obsessive angry thoughts.) I have a lot of resistance to actually doing the work.

Then, on Saturday, I need to perform some very difficult (for me, at least) music at a concert. I took time off work to prepare it but it's still not really ready. I'm really worried about it. I'm spending so much time on this interview prep that I'm not practising as much as I'd like to. The interview is probably more important but the concert matters more to me, emotionally, somehow. This is something that I've been working on for months and have a great deal invested in. I'm primarily a composer, not a performer, so playing takes much more work for me.

I woke up at 4 am, feeling very anxious and distracted.

I guess I'm mostly looking to vent and maybe get some sympathy and encouragement, ha, since I don't know what else anyone can offer at this point, other than maybe some general advice on ways to stay calm.

06-26-2013, 08:32 AM
I hear you - I have an important interview coming up and it's causing elevated anxiety....

Just remember - getting anxious over what you're going through is very normal. Have fun, do your thing and be proud of yourself afterwards : )

06-26-2013, 08:35 AM
I have a big job interview this afternoon that I feel pretty unprepared for. I need to give a mini-lecture that I've prepared really well but I'm not ready to answer the actual interview questions. I know what to do and I do have time this morning but somehow anxiety and distraction make it a real struggle. (I could have done it all yesterday but I couldn't focus at all. The anxiety somehow triggers my ruminating obsessive angry thoughts.) I have a lot of resistance to actually doing the work.

Then, on Saturday, I need to perform some very difficult (for me, at least) music at a concert. I took time off work to prepare it but it's still not really ready. I'm really worried about it. I'm spending so much time on this interview prep that I'm not practising as much as I'd like to. The interview is probably more important but the concert matters more to me, emotionally, somehow. This is something that I've been working on for months and have a great deal invested in. I'm primarily a composer, not a performer, so playing takes much more work for me.

I woke up at 4 am, feeling very anxious and distracted.

I guess I'm mostly looking to vent and maybe get some sympathy and encouragement, ha, since I don't know what else anyone can offer at this point, other than maybe some general advice on ways to stay calm.

It looks like you've got a LOT going on for you this week and it is definitely stressing you out. Try and take some time to yourself and not think about all these things for a bit. I know that's much harder to do than it sounds. Sit quietly for a while and maybe do some breathing or muscle relaxation exercises to calm your mind and your body. Is there something you really enjoy doing that you could dedicated maybe an hour or a half hour to just to get your mind off of things for a while? Just remember to breathe! Deep breaths into the bottom of your stomach. Hold for a little bit and slowly exhale.

06-27-2013, 07:59 PM
Thanks for your support, guys. Good points. Muscle relaxation and mindfulness meditation do help.

I think the interview went reasonably well, although it was over Skype and there were many technical difficulties (on their end). It took 2h! The soundcheck today ended up taking 3h, with some technical issues to deal with. Things sounded good though. Still a lot of practice to do.