View Full Version : Help me ! :/ full blown attack

06-26-2013, 05:27 AM
I just woke up with heart racing! Got up scared then I guess I managed to controlled it and 2mins later heart rate back to normal! Did I just have a panic attack???

06-26-2013, 05:30 AM
Hello :) I wake up like that alot,it's just the anxiety

06-26-2013, 05:42 AM
Hello :) I wake up like that alot,it's just the anxiety
Yea I woke up thinking I was gonna die or was having a heart attack! :/ I hate this!! :(

06-26-2013, 08:04 AM
Yes, it sucks and yes, it's a panic attack. The important thing is to remind yourself that it's just anxiety, there's nothing wrong with your heart and you're going to be just fine. Talk to someone when it's happening if you can. Sometimes, just vocalizing what's happening to you can make the fear subside. Don't try to get through the episodes alone if you have somebody to talk with. One thing that helps me is to drink some cold water and step outside for a bit and walk around. Or, I try to find something to keep my mind completely occupied after the attack subsides (it's hard to do that while your heart's racing, I know). Another thing that has helped me is practicing muscle tension/relaxation exercises before I go to bed. There are some great videos on YouTube that walk you through. You can just close your eyes, listen and follow along. Seriously, it's a great way to focus on relaxation. Hope you feel better soon. -Jeff

06-27-2013, 03:19 AM
It's not a panic attack. I wake up like that normally when I work out a lot (cardio mostly). When you sleep your respiration and heart rate drop
really low. Parasympathetic activity increases (digestion). The best way for your body to come out of this mode is to squirt some adrenal goodness
into your system. This boosts heart rate, increases respiration, reduces parasympathetic tone and oh yeah, wakes you up. I actually a good sign, in means you've stressed your body enough when you worked out.
ignore it..you'll be fine