View Full Version : social anxiety is getting worse

06-25-2013, 12:38 AM
I have always felt awkward in public places, especially when I'm by myself. I feel like everyone is looking at me. I would rather isolate myself from other people than to talk to people I don't know.
ever since I can remember I've always been terrified and nervous talking to a group of people. I have had some friends but eventually we fall out an they grow out of me because I'm not moving forward socially. they make new friends and I
Can't relate and I become a kind of burden. every close friend I've ever had has replaced me with someone else. And it's the worst feeling knowing that they have found someone who's company they prefer.
Some days I accept that I won't have friendships that last, but all I do is constantly compare my life to those around me and I feel this overwhelming fear that I am alone. and I get so stressed and angry because I want what they have, and I have Been trying for years and nothing had changed.
I try to stop the feeling of loneliness by having boyfriends, but then usually, after a few months I realize that it is just an escape.

06-27-2013, 04:24 AM
Hi Laura,

I have made an article that i would love for you to read. It goes in to great depth about anxiety symptoms and how to treat them as i suffered from anxiety for about 7 years. I know how your feeling now but don't worry you will get better. Please visit this article and leave me some comments at the bottom :) See you on the other side

Copy and paste this into google search as i cannot post links- how to overcome anxiety, social phobia and depression-

It will be the first page written by Feel-Alive Hubpages

07-25-2013, 04:42 PM
Hey Laura, I am in the same boat as you. Social Anxiety dominating me and taking over my life. Ugh... it is sickening! Unfortunately all I have to say is that I am right there with you, no friends and all. I hope you make good progress, keep us updated when you do! Take care :)

08-06-2013, 10:33 AM
Social anxiety is taking over my life too. I can't even leave my house anymore. I used to have friends but the more and more I declined their invitations ...it is now me,myself and I..has been for a while. Years. I'm very lonely and understand exactly how you feel. You're not alone.

08-06-2013, 11:21 AM
Social anxiety is taking over my life too. I can't even leave my house anymore. I used to have friends but the more and more I declined their invitations ...it is now me,myself and I..has been for a while. Years. I'm very lonely and understand exactly how you feel. You're not alone.

Im the same i cant leave my house x

Dan Medz
09-08-2013, 06:36 AM
I'm the same. Been about a year since I've seen anybody outside of a computer. I order my shopping online because I can't handle shopping centres.

Recently I've been forcing myself slowly to make phone calls or Skype people. (Even that can be daunting and stressful enough.) I just do it in very small doses. The isolation isn't good. I know how it is. It's so disabling this issue. I wish there was some way I could just fix it. And fix me.