View Full Version : This forum is my last chance

06-23-2013, 10:29 PM
Hi All,

I just joined the forum in order to get a better understanding of my illness. I have suffered from anxiety for a very long time but never wanted to accept that my negativity and worries where abnormal. I had my first diagnoses from my doctor when I was 27 and that was after I had a breakdown.

A year later, back home in Austria where I was trying to get well, I snapped and decided to move back to the UK (i studied and worked in London) which made things worst. I was constantly stressing out, so I left my job without having a job and thinking clearly about my financial situation. I went down hill. I was advised to start CbT but my mind was so off I couldn't focus because I was desperate to snatch back into my fashion career. I finally found a decent job but it didn't took long and I started finding faulty and my mind went into over drive again. So once again I did what I do best... I ran away!

I moved to the Middle East for a top job, about a year ago and I am now at breaking points again. I am constantly stressed and worried. My co-workers hardly interact with me and I am to annoyed and frustrated about every task. I use to love fashion and my job but now I hate it. I am so exhausted and I am desperate to be happy. I am now in the darkest place because I hate my job, but I am too scared to leave as I know I won't be able to deal with the stress and the financials back last, plus I won't know how my future in fashion will look like if u leave my job.

I hope that this forum can be my support system as I don't have many friends due to my behaviour and my family don't understand what I am going through.

What to do? What to do?


06-23-2013, 11:05 PM
Your post is heart-felt.
The isolation and loneliness that comes with this condition can be as debilitating as the anxiety.
I hope that the forum helps,…

06-24-2013, 05:57 AM
I'd see a doc and give a course of an SSRI a try as it seems CBT didn't help you. CBT doesn't work for everyone. You can get better as I went through a similar process years ago. PM me any time. Alankay

06-24-2013, 06:28 AM
Where CBT is not effective in coping with the changes to positive thinking of choices and consequences, SSRI temporary treatment often gives the calm zone a chance to adjust to the increased resting anxiety levels. Keep a journal to help you find the patterns of your menu plan (add more hydration), your thought process, and your action process. Once you change a part of the pattern, another pattern can start, and this can continue until you reach the "hidden" pattern that allows you the calm zone of your mind and body in balance.
I am in CBT, long-term, and it's been a roller coaster of emotions, fears, increased anxiety, and a few panic attacks. However, keeping the journal from the beginning has shown me the more I've improved my well-being, the more I've regained "me".
It does make a difference to find the right professional to help you learn what works best for you. CBT is definitely not a one size fits all, however, there are many different ways to learn CBT, and it's well worth the time to search.
Best wishes. You are not alone with this.

06-24-2013, 07:11 AM
Im here when you need someone to talk to. Im sure many members aswell are willing to help and listen to you.

06-24-2013, 07:18 AM
I too recommend an SSRI or something similar. These can greatly reduce the physical aspects of the anxiety which enables you to focus more on the coping mechanisms such as CBT. Journaling does wonders as well. It really does seem that once you write everything out and see it, it's not nearly as scary or intimidating. It seems like you are going through a lot of changes right now and that does cause stress, especially in an anxious mind. I know personally with my anxiety I don't handle change well at all. The unexpected and unknown aggravate my anxiety. I have a similar issue with changes in my life right now. But I am also currently seeing a therapist and that's helping me in that regard too. Also take time for yourself be it through meditation or progressive muscle relaxation. It's hard to do at first (especially to keep your mind focused), but with some practice you'll see immense benefits.

06-24-2013, 02:45 PM
Your post is heart-felt.
The isolation and loneliness that comes with this condition can be as debilitating as the anxiety.
I hope that the forum helps,…

Thank you soo much , this is the first time I have been honest about my anxiety.... It took me 2 weeks to finally join the forum. And I am glad I did😓.

T c,

06-24-2013, 02:49 PM
I'd see a doc and give a course of an SSRI a try as it seems CBT didn't help you. CBT doesn't work for everyone. You can get better as I went through a similar process years ago. PM me any time. Alankay

Thanks Alankay, I will keep in touch.
😉 Sole

06-24-2013, 02:52 PM
Where CBT is not effective in coping with the changes to positive thinking of choices and consequences, SSRI temporary treatment often gives the calm zone a chance to adjust to the increased resting anxiety levels. Keep a journal to help you find the patterns of your menu plan (add more hydration), your thought process, and your action process. Once you change a part of the pattern, another pattern can start, and this can continue until you reach the "hidden" pattern that allows you the calm zone of your mind and body in balance.
I am in CBT, long-term, and it's been a roller coaster of emotions, fears, increased anxiety, and a few panic attacks. However, keeping the journal from the beginning has shown me the more I've improved my well-being, the more I've regained "me".
It does make a difference to find the right professional to help you learn what works best for you. CBT is definitely not a one size fits all, however, there are many different ways to learn CBT, and it's well worth the time to search.
Best wishes. You are not alone with this.


Thanks for the advice. I heard about SSRI but didn't think any further. The journal is definitely a good idea as my brain is going Ito overdrive.

Thanks Mid,

06-24-2013, 02:57 PM
Thanks Alankay, I will keep in touch.
dde09 Sole

Hello and welcome I've had anxiety for over 20 years so please feel free to chat to me anytime :)

06-24-2013, 02:57 PM
I too recommend an SSRI or something similar. These can greatly reduce the physical aspects of the anxiety which enables you to focus more on the coping mechanisms such as CBT. Journaling does wonders as well. It really does seem that once you write everything out and see it, it's not nearly as scary or intimidating. It seems like you are going through a lot of changes right now and that does cause stress, especially in an anxious mind. I know personally with my anxiety I don't handle change well at all. The unexpected and unknown aggravate my anxiety. I have a similar issue with changes in my life right now. But I am also currently seeing a therapist and that's helping me in that regard too. Also take time for yourself be it through meditation or progressive muscle relaxation. It's hard to do at first (especially to keep your mind focused), but with some practice you'll see immense benefits.

Hi AnxiousAshley,

Thank you your advice I will for sure try the journal and meditation/relaxation. Fingers crossed I find a good and trustworthy Doctor regarding SSRI.

Thanks a million,
Sole 😊

06-24-2013, 03:03 PM
Hello and welcome I've had anxiety for over 20 years so please feel free to chat to me anytime :)

I will keep in touch and thanks a lot.

06-24-2013, 04:06 PM
Hi AnxiousAshley,

Thank you your advice I will for sure try the journal and meditation/relaxation. Fingers crossed I find a good and trustworthy Doctor regarding SSRI.

Thanks a million,
Sole ��

You're welcome Sole! Keep us posted. Feel free to chat anytime!

06-24-2013, 04:14 PM
Hi All,

I just joined the forum in order to get a better understanding of my illness. I have suffered from anxiety for a very long time but never wanted to accept that my negativity and worries where abnormal. I had my first diagnoses from my doctor when I was 27 and that was after I had a breakdown.

A year later, back home in Austria where I was trying to get well, I snapped and decided to move back to the UK (i studied and worked in London) which made things worst. I was constantly stressing out, so I left my job without having a job and thinking clearly about my financial situation. I went down hill. I was advised to start CbT but my mind was so off I couldn't focus because I was desperate to snatch back into my fashion career. I finally found a decent job but it didn't took long and I started finding faulty and my mind went into over drive again. So once again I did what I do best... I ran away!

I moved to the Middle East for a top job, about a year ago and I am now at breaking points again. I am constantly stressed and worried. My co-workers hardly interact with me and I am to annoyed and frustrated about every task. I use to love fashion and my job but now I hate it. I am so exhausted and I am desperate to be happy. I am now in the darkest place because I hate my job, but I am too scared to leave as I know I won't be able to deal with the stress and the financials back last, plus I won't know how my future in fashion will look like if u leave my job.

I hope that this forum can be my support system as I don't have many friends due to my behaviour and my family don't understand what I am going through.

What to do? What to do?


Wow I feel for you I really do.
If i was you I would most certainly take time out of work, living in the UK can allow you access to help. Im from wales and the job centre here allows you to recieve financial help if you are suffering from anxiety/depression. I personally have never used the benefit system. But I think.at the moment you should consider this if you have not.done so already. Anyways carrying on I think.some time out and relaxation will allow you to.let go.of your worries from.work life . Take some time.to do things you enjoy e.g. drawing design a clothing range ect. It may bring back your passion. Gather with close friends. Your not alone in this. This forum is very good for reassurance and any questions you need answered, private message me anytime if you need a chat :)
Also.get help from drs ask for therapy.such as CBT I heard its a good way to help people overcome anxiety as it helps ypu change the way you think. By replacing negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts :)

Its a long battle this anxiety business, but one positive step at a time will get you to.where you want to be.

Find sense in this quote "you will never discover new horizons if your afraid to leave the shore".

Hope ypu will feel bettee and dont forget you are not alone :)